Does anyone have any links to sites for resale of RIFE machines? Our family has 3 of these machines (kids off at college and now home again) and I don't need all three of them. Would like to sell...
Has anyone had any luck with using this benefit through their employer? I am planning on starting the process with mine next week, and would love to hear from anyone who has gone through this...
What is a non calcified protrusion indenting the thecal sac? This is on the report from the MRI of my cervical spine. Anyone?...
These docs are all treating multiple patients with Lyme. We were referred by other Lymies. Right now he is getting IVIG, IV nutrition (Myers cocktails) and oral doxy....
There are a number of docs in the Tampa, Clearwater, St Pete area that are Lyme friendly and will treat for Lyme disease. My son is seeing his PCP, and ID doc, an immunologist, an allergist and a...
There are a number of docs in the Tampa area that are Lyme friendly. I have a hard time with the whole Lyme Literate designation...long story. But anyway, you can email me for details. Tell me what...
It sounds like he is giving you options as a disabled employee. (I am currently negotiating those at my employer, too). Have you considered asking your doctor to fill out FMLA paperwork for you so...
Finches, bull finches? Something like that...they look like bright red blotches some as big as a deck of cards... There used to be a photobucket with pics of rashes in it that I first saw them in and...
No, not petechial rashes. These are big red splotches that only appear when I shower. It's been going on for years. I thought it was just "one of those things"... I will try to remember, stupid Lyme...
My PCP has agreed to run tests for me, and one of the results that has come back so far is positive for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Interestingly, when I look online at the research I see that I...
I have had a telephone conversation with Dr Schaller and what made me decide against him was that he explained to me that he doesn't actually treat people. His method is that he partners with your...
Thanks everyone. It's been rougher than usual lately and I really appreciate the kind words. I have been a member here for a while and have always tried to be a giver, not asking for anything. Last...
I hate to think about this, but I am getting to the point with the dizziness, the stumbling, the falling and the loss of motor control on the left side that I feel like I need a wheel chair. I force... There is also a prescription form that your doctor can...
Yes! He had positive Elisa and this one. I have had multiple tests done(over the past few years) and all you hear is "you have to have 5 bands" from the docs. And here, printed on this test, it says...
My son has recently had new lab work done and he has a postive Elisa and a positive WB (IGM) His WB (IGM) shows results for only three bands - 23, 39 and 41. He is reactive on 23 and 41, non-reactive...
Hi Nicola - has anyone shared this with you? For information on finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor(LLMD) in your area, please email our long time member, Dan's Mother at: If...
Hi Susan - there is a neurologist in Fayetteville that is an LLMD, he is the only one I have heard of. I am in Charlotte. You can PM me for the name....
Hi EBC - I don't know the person you are referring to, but there are a number of docs in the southeast that you could see. You may want to ask about how to obtain a referral to a doc who is lyme...
I saw that today, it is part of what is making think I am on to something. I wish I had access to a doctor that I could just talk to and get him to discuss the possibilities with me. Every time I...
Has anyone done any research on Lyme affecting the Vagus Nerve? I can't find any documentation online and it occurred to me today how many of my symptoms, my husband's symptoms and my son and...
I am sure I have had a measles vaccination. I had chicken pox as a kid but the EBV is a new one for me. It seems that, from what I have read, almost everyone has that anyway so it is not that much of...
No, he's a chiropractor. He wants to focus on my gut issues then work on the viruses...
So, what does this mean? My DC tested me for "viruses" and it came back that I have active infections for these three. The lab test was very specific that the range that my antibodies came back with...
We have been using our GB4000 for over a year now. Our experience is that when we use it we feel better and when we don't use it the symptoms get worse. As sick as both of my kids have been and...
The mail icon under my name to the left of my post has a link to my email address....
Hi Doc GP - I have a GB 4000 and have been using it for about a year now. I use a SWEEP setting to hit all of the frequencies that apply to Lyme and coinfections. It will not detox you, it is really...
I have a question about an alternative to epsom salts. My stepdaughter, who just got her CDC positive Lyme test results yesterday, is allergic to sulfur so we are hesitant to use epsom salts for her...
If anyone could refer me to an LL Neuro in Charlotte I would really appreciate it. Please message me, thanks!...
I just heard about this today from another Lyme friend, there is apparently a really good book coming out that deals with what you are describing. This has to be the way most people with chronic...
That makes sense, I have been losing some weight too so that may be it....
Yes, I am working with the nutritionist for my whole family. I was doing the Paleo Diet at his suggestion. I have been reading about how bad carbs are for people with Lyme and tried to cut more out...
Does this happen to anyone else? Everytime I cut carbs out of my diet I start to get sick - my ears hurt, sore throat, sinuses hurt, fever, generally blah... It's weird, I don't get what is making...
Something similar happened to a friend of ours a few years back. If I remember correctly, when the state investigators came to the house they saw that the kid was well cared for by parents who were...
You can order a free test kit from Igenex. Take that to your doctor and he has to sign and provide a diagnosis code on the form that you send in with the blood. The office can draw the blood for you,...
Mental issues have been a huge issue in my family. My son spent the last three years he should have been in high school going in and out of mental hospitals getting one diagnosis after the other....
My son and I both get Lyme rages. What I have been told is that they are worse when a person's inflammation is worse. So, if I have eaten badly or missed my supplements, or not detoxed in a few days...
Thank you Cara! I really appreciate that. It's hard not to get overwhelmed sometimes. It is nice to have support on here from people who really do understand. I hope you do too!...
Oh, that's unfortunate. I doubt that relaxing is going to happen anytime soon! Two kids with Lyme, I have Lyme, my step-daughter was bitten by a tick last week. All that joy on top of every day life...
Does anyone get these? I have over a dozen in my back, they feel like rubber balls under the skin. My husband can move them (a little) when he rubs my back. I was told a long time ago that they are...
I found 30C and bought that, we will start it tonight. She is complaning of knee pain today...that's not good, is it?...
Thanks! I have heard of Ledum but we have not tried it before. What strength do you buy?...
I have a blended family, my husband has a 13 year old daughter and I have a 19 year old son and a 20 year old daughter. My two and I have positive Lyme tests. Yesterday the 13 year old (who lives...
This is actually my family's primary treatment for Lyme and co's. I learned a lot at and by reading "When Antibiotics Fail: Lyme Disease and Rife Machines, with Critical Evaluation...
My son's Lyme symptoms have been primarily neurological and his Dopamine levels were through the roof. He also was manufacturing almost zero Serotonin. That is how I learned about cortisol spikes,...
Sleep must be a theme for me today! It sounds like you are having cortisol spikes, which can cause the type of sleep problems that you described in your post. It is part of the problems that we can...
I agree, the sleep is imperative. Missing one hour can make a world of difference in my pain for the day. I take a cocktail every night of 1500mg magnesium citrate, 1 Benadryl, 1 Nexium and 1...
Igenex will send you the test kits, you can order them from the website or by calling their 800#. With that comes a sheet that allows you to select which test(s) that you can have them run. The lab...