I am not taking anything away from this forum. The people on here are super knowledgable as well, the FB page is just Florida specific. No disrespect to any of you on here, you are all great :)...
There is a closed group on Facebook called "Florida Lyme League". If you are on Facebook, go on there and ask to join. It is nothing but a group of us that have Lyme in Florida and I have found more...
Welcome Traveler, A fine addition indeed!...
Interesting, I watch that all of the time a didn't notice. Have you guys heard that Martha Stewart has Lyme? I don't want anybody to have this terrible disease, but I hope that if they are high...
I would suggest that she go see a LLMD to be evaluated. There is a highly recommended LLMD in your area, I will send you a message. Sorry to hear that she is having so many problems, hope you get...
Read a interesting article in the Health Science Institute newsletter about Samento. They say that in a comparitive study group, the group that did the Samento over a 6 month period had a 85% success...
Hey Susie, They can definately be taken together. I did 400mg of Doxy for 4 months and 2g of Rocephin twice weekly for 6 weeks. My wife did the same. No problems other that some tiredness at the...
My symptoms that really made me realize that something was up started in May 2010 and I was diagnosed in late June 2010. I had some problems in the past few years that can probably be attributed to...
Hi Susie, Dr K will definately consider this a positive test. It is pretty close to mine actually. Dr H from Igenex and Dr K both indicated to me that if you have a + 83-93, that it has been around...
Hi Susie, Yes, my wife and I are in Orlando and see Dr. K. You too?...
Thanks for the info, the Probenecid is used with the Omnicef. It modifies renal excretion and allows the Omnicef to stay in your body for a longer period of time. I'm not just looking for input from...
Nobody familiar with these drugs? Kinda makes me nervous....
My wife and I walso did Rocephin IV and our Doctors office. They were $100.00 for two grams and we did them twice weekly. I offered to pay in full up front and he gave us a 15% discount. So, I guess...
Hi all, Our doctor has decided to try a new approach with my wife and myself. We have been doing the Doxy/IV Rocephin thing for 3 months or so with some improvement. When my Rocephin treatments...
Just wondering how many people that are being treated for Lyme have had surgery for anything and what that did to your treatment process. My wife has been delaing with the pain from a ovarian cyst...
Just looking for alternative sweetners and was wondering your thoughts on Truvia. It apperars to be derived from the Stevia plant, but also has Erythritol in it. Everything I have read says that it's...
My wife is into her 5th week of treatment for chronic Lyme and has been having some bad nausea issues for the past few days. She is taking 300mg of Doxy daily and just started IV Rocephin yesterday....
Sorry to hear that Traveler :( We are taking our 4 year old in for testing tomorrow as we too are concerned with his health. I wish the best for you and your son....
I am on 400mg daily for 4 months + Weekly IV treatments of Rocephin....
Thanks all :) OneWearyChick, email me what you have left, I may be interetsed. Heidenreich@bellsouth.net...
I was wondering if anybody knows where to buy Lyme Disease awareness products such as wristbands, magnets and shirts where a portion of the proceeds will benefit Lyme research?...
Regardless of the accuracy of this poll, I find it very interesting that North Florida is second only to SE PA! So much for no Lyme in Florida...
Orlando, Florida...
I'm just wondering if these cyst could be a hot spot for the bacteria?? I know this is different than what they mean by cystic form, but what if removing them would eliminate a large group of hiding...
Looks like a pattern to me! I am thinking about having mine removed and sent out for evaluation. Gonna make a call to Igenex and see what they say about testing. I will update....
Just wondering if there is any known connection between Lyme and Cysts. My wife and I both have Lyme. I have 2 Ganglion Cysts on my back in the center, my wife has one on her wrist and just found out...
Adreset works good for me. It's designed for adrenal or stress related fatigue. And its all natural too!...
Just wondering if anyone has tried the BioChoice Immune 26 drink to help boost their immune system? A freind suggested it after their father in law showed great imporvement while using it. He does...
After my wifes symptoms kept getting more and more like mine, we decided to have her tested as well. Got the results back today and she's got it too /community/emoticons/cry.gif We are 35 and 32...
Thanks for all of the info. Simply Sleep is made by Tylenol and is pretty much just Benedryl. I used to work great, we'll see how it works now....
Just wondering if you all are taking any kind of sleep aids to get some sleep? I'm not sleeping too good and thinking of going back to my old reliable Simply Sleep. What do you think?...
Do you guys think that sweating in general helps in detoxing or just in a sauna? Fortunatley, I am able to work everyday, and lately the shop is around 100 degrees in the shade. I sweat all day,...
No argument needed! If Igenex was shady, it would have been proven already. It wouldn't be hard to do with the money of the CDC. So, everyone keep treating yourself the way you Dr. tells you a get...
CD57 score of 176 Positive Igm bands: 23-25++ 31+ 34 IND 41+ 58+ 83-93+ Positive IgG bands: 28+ 31+ 34 IND 58+...
I have not been tested for Bartonella yet. Doc recommended the complete co-infections panel, just haven't found the $660.00 yet /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
Scheduled to start my IV Rocephin treatments on Monday. My doc is not a LLMD, so I wanted to run the frequency and doseage by you all to see if it is simular to what you've seen. I will start with 1...
Got my CD57 results back today. It was a 176?? If I have truly had Lyme for awhile like the test indicate, is this possible?? I know that I have Lyme, but is it possible that I haven't had it for as...
Just wondering if everyone or most people have the " Herx" reaction when taking the oral ABX? Most people said to expect a reaction in 5 days or so. I have been on 400mg daily for 7 days with no...
Yep, thats why we went ahead and had my wife tested. Better to spend the money and know for sure. I am very skeptical that its not possible given what we know about syphillis. I will update as soon...
Just wondering what the concensus is about passing this wonderful disease on to your spouse. My wife hasn't been feeling good for awhile now, but we were atributing it to here thyroid problem....
I'm assuming that the immunology test may be like a CD57 test to test how your immune system is holding up. Sometimes these numbers can be in the normal range even if you have Lyme. The WB from...
Yes, an MD that is familiar with Lyme will be able to diagnose based on symptoms and the EM rash. However, will undertreat in most cases. It's fortunate that you caught it this early, please don't...
Since you caught it this early, I would highly recommend that you find a LLMD in your area to ensure that you are getting appropriate treatment. The typical ABX doseage is not sufficient in most...
Info emailed. Yep, seemed like alot of meds to me to, but I guess you need to be pretty aggresive if you want a chance of winning. Not really sure how long I have had it, really thought it was new....
From what I've been told by My Dr. and Dr. H at the lab, if bands 83-93 show up + on your IgM that it is most likely in cystic form. The timeline that I was given was atleast 1 year but possibly more....
Just went to the closest thing to a LLMD that I have here in Orlando, who by the way seemed highly knowledgable and helpful. I thought I had it all figured out though, I thought that I knew when I...
After all of the back and forth with Dr's, I have finally gotten the test results back from Igenex. I had test 188 and 189 done. Both came back + by Igenex standards. The IgM came back + by Igenex...
Hi, I was just assuming by your screen name that you are located in Florida. If so, could I ask who you used for a LLMD? Been looking for awhile now with no luck. Thanks, Jeff...
Just curious if anyone on here was in the early detection stage that has a positive test result? If I assuming correctly, I would be at the 6 week mark, no pos test result yet and about 1 week on...
Well , Doc apparently thinks that the test that LabCorps did was sufficient. Been working on him for two days (through his nurses, of course) to ok the WB to the lab. No response from him one way or...