I have been treating myself without a diagnosis, but have been trying to get one. My doctor doesn't want to accept that I have NMH, the insurance company won't pay for testing. I have been using all...
Since my daughter has a confirmed autonomic disorder diagnosed and the similarities with my father and siblings I am going to assume that this is most likely going to be a similar issue and not...
My daughter that had Dystonia was diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease, she is an environmental scientist that worked in the field for years. I am beginning to believe that she may be dealing with...
Thanks for the encouragement. By the way, my daughter was diagnosed with Dystonia along with my fathers condition I think that I can suppose an autonomic disorder would make complete sense now. I...
I have been trying to identify what has been ailing me as well. I have had symptoms my whole life, but no one has been able to help me. My father had fainting issues which the docs had him have heart...