Hello PMM730, How did it go with your low WCB, i just received my lab work and my number is 2.2, I am pretty worried, my doctor asked me to see an hematologist, waiting for an appointment, meanwhile...
Hello Bucci, I have not done all the ABX in the book but I have done a fair amount for 18 months. At this point I dont believe that the ABX are still working for me and I am looking for alternative....
Thanks a lot Loveheath, Are you doing the home protocol or did you go to the Hansa Center? If you are doing the home protocol did u buy the Perfect-7 Protocol - Good, better or best? I am still not...
Dear all, Thanks for you support through the years. I have been on ABX for now one and half year for Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella. The ABX seemed to work at a certain point but I feel like now I dont...
Thanks to yall, I emailed 1bitten2xshy & bucci....
First I am putting the full name of this doctor because he publicly advertise everywhere, so I dont think he is "hiding" or anything. With that said I have been diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella for...
Most of the posts here are very helpful but depressing and very scary. I am sure there are a few people who have learned how to deal with this horrible disease and some even "cured"...could we please...
Hi all, I came back yesterday from my LLMD for the first visit, he things I have Lyme and he draw blood for all kind of tests and I will be getting the result in 1 month or so... Meanwhile he put me...
Hi all, I have been getting confusing diagose from my Docs about Lyme. Until now I knew I had Lyme because my previous PCP told me I had it from the western band result. Now that I know a little bit...
Hi all, Thanks for the support and for responding to my post! I have called all LLMD i could find in my Region but I haven't been able to get an appointment yet, they seem to all be book out..waiting...
Hi all, Thanks for responding tomy post!! I have been doing a lot of research about LLMD and Lyme and I have found many mixed results. it seems like what an LLMD does is just write you ABX for a...
Hi There, I just came across this forum and I am happy there is something like that out there, at the same time I am scare of all the info I am ready here because I didn't realize that Lyme disease...