LOL /community/emoticons/smilewinkgrin.gif I've escaped termination Lymester, but unfortunately, I was also not given the antidote. He is though going to refer me to the private LD clinic that people...
My GP has just called me on the Bat phone. He wants me to go in and see him this afternoon. Things are just getting stranger and stranger!...
I've just read it mik, and to be honest it has creeped me out a little bit. The strange thing is I was a telecoms engineer within the British army, and I served in the first Gulf conflict. I had all...
Hi everybody, I've just spent some of today reading around. I must say, seperating the wheat from the chaff is quite difficult seeing as though I know the square root of nothing. Blimey, it's a mine...
Thanks very much for the reply tildenjane. When he offered 2 weeks of ABX I mentioned that a far greater amount might be required. He then stated, he had been prescribing ABX for 7 months to a person...
Thanks Mik & Lymester Firstly, i'm glad you guys are almost back to your old selves. It sounds like you've had a rough time of it. Lymester - That's great info to have in my locker when I go back...
Hi Lymester, Thanks for your reply. I managed to see a GP today. I was initially told I would have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment, but I insisted that I needed to see somebody immediately - thats...
Thanks Trav, I will check out the links you have guided me too. I might be clutching at straws going down this route, but the coincidences associated with my symptoms post tick bite seem to...
Thankyou very much AG for taking time out to reply to me. It's good to know what to expect when I visit the GP. Your advice has been invaluable. Many thanks Paul...
Many thanks for such a quick reply springsjean. It's funny, but I've only just bumped into Lyme disease by pure chance. I thought I was going bonkers. I might still be of course, but what I've read...
Hello everybody, I was wondering if somebody could help. For a number of years now I have suffered from depression and general fatigue, although I have remained physically active and employed. Over...