I'm on the West coast but know people from all over. You might try this site: http://www.lymepa.org/html/about_ann_f__corson__md.html I make no personal recommendations about her, only know that many...
@Garden Peace" Thank you for your kind assessment of me. I do receive the emails from it, that's how I knew about the interest in protocols that aren't of interest to me. If I lived closer perhaps I...
@bee king, I read part of your blog (about the PICC) and was horrified! I had a PICC in for 17 months and never once had any problems that weren't small and taken care of by simple measures. Was the...
Garden Peace------ No I don't because I don't live near Portland. Plus I'm a science-based kinda person and I wouldn't fit in with the majority of the nice people there....
Garden Peace------ yes, there a very good support group in Portland and it's a good match for those that prefer alternative or integrative protocols....
Although I have read that some people can tolerate the quinolones and feel better after taking them------ I was NOT one. I have nothing to say except BE CAREFUL about taking it. I've read that even a...
http://lyme.kaiserpapers.org/oregon.html "Although the site above mentions the Kaiser HMO and how Kaiser won't treat for Lyme----- the information about Oregon and Lyme is definitely related! Lyme...