I see this is a older post - For a month now I am having numbess/tightness down left arm, shoulder, hand neck and chest - I came across this while researching Thoracic outlet syndrome/Brachial plexus...
I just quit smoking four days ago - I started using e-cig. I feel worse than I did while smoking! Hope these withdrawls pass soon!...
Any input? Lyme? I dont understand these results. I just had my primary dr run this test - she dont know either Igenex IGM Results - positive CDC negative CDC negative 18kda 23-25 28 30 31 ++ 34 IND...
My dr did a western blot test (did not go to igenex) I had band 66kd positive. Doesnt feel it lymes, but gave me doxycylcine to take for 2 months. Any input of what the positive band means? I have...
I have all the symptoms of lyme for 1 1/2 yrs now...
Hi, I was dx with postural orthostatic tachycardia in june 2011 - with no known cause. I got tested for everything that can cause it except lymes. Does any one no of a llmd in ohio? Thank you...
Lyme14 Does my reg. doc. do the test and send it there (igeneX lab)? I looked its in CA...
Hitze Wow I have all those symptoms plus a high heart rate when I stand. I never got tested because they said I didnt have a rash. What test should I request b/c my docs keep saying I dont have lyme...
bx potsy This is a very frustrating! I've been dx for almost 5 weeks now. I was lucky to get dx after a week of symptoms. Its very hard for me to deal w/. I tried florinef for a week no success. Took...
my email address is ezim77@yahoo.com, just in case this site goes away. lol...
Do you have a high heart rate? This whole POTS thing is killing me. Its summer!! I love summer!! My whole life has just stopped. I wish this would leave as fast as it came. Are you noise or heat...
Well went to see my cardiologist today. He left me on the atenolol w/ the same dose. He added a salt tablet and told me to do isometric exercises. I have to see him back in 2 weeks. He also sent me...
Im going to my cardiologist Thursday. I will let you know the next step. I wish i was able to work. Im not tired from this. Just when i stand i get real brain fogged and lightheadness. Then if i...
Pluslouie Please keep me updated on your progress. this is day 4 for me on Atenolol. I still dont feel right. Haven't been able to go to work. Having 2 young children makes it very hard for me, not...
Im 33 yrs old just dx with mild POTS. I have a standing heart rate of 110, sitting 80, and laying 70. I tried Florinef with no success. My doctor just put me on a beta blocker called Atenenol. Im...