Could also be be pleurisy. I've had that a few times and it also is not serious but feels like it is....
Also. Not all tests by Fry are done through Fry labs I don't agree that he is a businessman first I do agree he is embedded in his research and that he focuses on that subject with his patients. FYI...
to love the light and marina moonlight: thank you both for all your very kind responses. you've both confirmed for me what my intuition was telling me. I suspect too that detox/toxins are a HUGE...
oh--ok--I'll do that. i wasn't seeing anything on tina's site where you could even do that, but i'll look again. both these sites have an amazing amount of info on them, so look like tremendous...
love the light, it looks like there's actually a support group with az lda that meets the 3rd sat of each month in scottsdale. i'll probably try to get over there, and possibly get some more info...
I was told that Igenex was NOT covered by my insurance. I'll have to call them (bcbs, i.e.) and double-check on that. the person who told me that may have had conflicting interest. I've perused the...
thanks so much! i REALLLLLYYY appreciate it!...
love the light, not sure how to "message" you???...
i have a policy with BCBS. they're really good at paying for labs, as long as the lab is in their network. I did schedule an appt with Dr. F a few months ago, but ended up cancelling it after 1) they...
well, i guess i was hoping to get any and all ideas/suggestions from the post that i did post, which you responded to, including getting info about any lyme literate dr's here in AZ who might take...
ok, again, i don't have $300 for the igenex test. Every "lyme literate" dr i've been able to find in AZ DOESN'T ACCEPT INSURANCE, so i would have to pay out of pocket for that. I'm not able to do...
oh--sorry, i may have misunderstood you. I don't believe that western blot was done thru igenex. it would have been done at a lab that is in my insurance co's network. not sure what lab that was....
I appreciate your response, but i did get he western blot test done--my insurance paid for that. It came back as "indicative" of lyme, but not conclusive. I haven't been able to find any "lyme...
ok--just got the standard, western blot, etc, back from my Dr, and he said it was "indicative of lyme, but not conclusive." The chances that i have lyme are VERY high. i know i was bitten at least a...
Yeah I read the book a couple of months ago. Interesting that the link you sent that website says black tea is okay but green's not. I think amand says neither is. It will take some time for me to...
thanks, Randy; i read the testimonials on amand's website last night posted by their online support group volunteers, and was even more convinced. I realized, after reading about all the things we...
Great advice; can't tell you how much I appreciate it! And I totally agree with everything you've said here....
Randy I'm seeing that there is TONS of anecdotal information on the Internet from people for whom this protocol has worked. I can't imagine that ANYONE who had suffered from cfs/fibro would claim...
Randy, i appreciate your insight on this, and also sharing your experience with "testing" the protocol by exposing yourself to the salicylates again. I was really curious what you would think about...
randy, i won't accuse you of opportunistic posting! i think that if you've found a "way out" of a debilitating, life-destroying chronic illness, the most natural thing would be for you to want to...
Randy your story is compelling and I really appreciate your sharing it with us. I think I'll give the guai a try again since I did see some significant improvement while taking it. But still thinking...
Randy how long did you do the guaifenesin before you started to feel better and how long did it take for you to get to the 90%? Do you still take it? Thanks!...
Randy I really appreciate your response. I read his book got the guaifenesin went on the diet removed the salicylates and really did start to feel better. The problem with that is that I started...
Jasmine that is so awesome that you have that scholarship! You must have worked really hard to get that. I hope you can get back to school soon! I've been thinking about making an appt with a...
I think if you have the $ to do the testing it would be nice to know for sure...
Jasmine i read dr David jernigan's book and he doesn't believe in using antibiotics and his argument made a lot of sense to me. He basically says that as soon as you start throwing abx at these...
I will definitely look into that. I've been grappling with whether or not I should pursue testing. I think my insurance may pay for the test you've mentioned here. I've pretty much exhausted my...
Oh yeah I definitely think that getting the hormones balanced is really important. I think that has also helped a great deal....
Well what I can share with you is what has helped me to start feeling better. 1) getting all the allergens out of my diet. Not only the foods I tested positive for but many others that they don't...
Maine76 I'm so sorry that things are so difficult for you. It seems so unfair sometimes that if we had cancer people would probably understand and be really supportive. But not with this disease! My...
Thanks you guys. Georgia I'll have to rsch the mthfr have no idea what that is. I've tried melatonin several times and had a really bad experience with that. Was in rem all night long and felt like I...
Thanks so much for sharing your experience and thoughts about this. I think the carbs are very sedating. But I'll stay on the low carb for now. I can handle one or two nights of not enough sleep but...
Hi you guys jennie I'm sorry you're struggling so much. Believe me you're not alone. You can email me if you wish. I think it's okay to give emails on here. It's I can only share...
hey you guys--just curious if anyone else has had this issue. I recently went on a low-carb diet suggested by Dr. Amand (guafenesin guy), and i felt much better being on that diet, but almost...
hhmmmmm well, kinda' hard to know what to do to cure the cfs if you don't know what caused it. I've been having bouts of fatigue for over 15 yrs now, and it just got progressively worse over that...
Thanks appreciate the response!...
Louise, if you want to look at the protocol i was referring to, it's at; i can't really say whether it's helpful or not--haven't been doing it long enough. but as you probably...
I don't think this is a coctco product. I did a search on their website and couldn't find anything by this name. I DID find a product by this name on Pure Formulas website. It's made by Kirkman NOT...
thanks! i appreciate your feedback! it would be great to have a dr that i could feel confident with, but so far, that hasn't happened. and i've just spent so much money on medical treatment AND...
thanks, Traveller! just sent you an email!...
rowing mom I'm intrigued by your post about using natural methods. I've exhausted my financial resources going down rabbit holes and no longer can afford to do that. Can you elaborate on how you did...
Hi you guys im looking for some advice here. Just feel overwhelmed and confused. I've been getting progressively ill for the past 15 years. Haven't been able to work for about 2 yrs now. Have chronic...
[sub]hi you guys. I'm new here and just looking to connect with other people who are dealing with this illness. I'm wondering if any of you have tested positive for lyme or if you think that may be...
E.ster I just wanted to respond to your post. I'm guessing that a lot of people are busy with family stuff today. Unfortunately I don't have any answers for you. I've been dealing with chronic...