Just curious if anyone has ever had a posituve ANA test ?...
Anyone attribute the positive ANA to lyme?...
How does positive ana relate to RA?...
Yes...email me for more information giftcreations123@yahoo.com...
It depends on what and how you are using them .. oils are strong stuff and it has to be the right dilutions and properusage...
Hi Wondering if CCP levels fluctuate ? Thanks...
Do you have symptoms and other high numbers ?...
Very confused. . I had a high ccp six months ago and now dr said it was 2.6 what does that mean ?...
I feel on those days like maybe I need to up the SSRI but maybe it's just an off day .....
Thanks. .glad to hear that ..wasn't sure if just missing 1 dose can do that I might just have to do that .. thanks...
I am not having a great morning .. Feeling off and I just realized that I missed my Lexapro dose ... do you tend to feel it right away like that ? I guess I have to just wait until tonight to take...
My doctor promised that it won't cause weight gain..so far I haven't noticed any......
I used l theanine and did ok with it but recently starred lexapro so just curious if people have taken them together thanks...
Hi Does anyone know if you can take L-theanine with antidepressants Thanks...
Thank you for sharing ... I just started lexapro a few weeks ago and wasn't sure .. thanks...
Just wondering how many of you take an SSRI and still need a benzo Thanks...
So went to the Dr and my daughter has been officially diagnosed with psoriasis ...she was prescribed special shampoo. Scalp cream, cream for nails and her eyes poor kid !...
You are right ...thanks I just have so many things coming up through the holiday season that I want to be able to attend ... I know there is no answer but ......
Thanks so still unsure ..I read that some people can stay on the 5 mg hmm...
I thinkI am calmer but hard to tell because I work from home and the true test is going outside so I will try that and see I guess...
Doctor prescribed 10 mg lexapro but said to start at 5 and increase as needed ..I am in third week of taking the 5 and not sure if I should bump up .. Thanks...
Oh interesting ...so I took for 1 week 2.5 and then upped to 5 mg so it's only been technically a week on the 5 so dr said to wait it out I tend to be very sensitive to med school too ..like if I...
Thanks It's been 2 weeks and not really feeling much of anything Dr said try one more week and then maybe increase but just curious if 5 mg actually worked Thank you...
Hi Just wondering if there is anyone successful on 5 mg Lexapro ? Thank you...
I take 5 mg at night and it's been 2 weeks Does lexapro affect sleep ...I find lately I am not getting into a good sleep at night yet not so tired in the day Thanks...
And what about staying at 5 mg? For some that's enough ...right ?...
Thanks ! My husband is anxious too bc he has severe psoriasis si going to try and get seen earlier Thank you...
Hi My 9 year old daughter starting to have flaky patches on the bottom part of her scalp along with ridged nails and now red and flakes under her eyes I am assuming it's psoriasis because has severe...
Congrats It's a week for me today and have no clue what to expect ? Another week to see results ?...
Hi I haven't had any ..so at what point do you go up ?...
My Dr prescribed 10 mg and thinks I am nuts for starting at 2.5 lol. But I was scared so I was just curious if anyone else on here started lower and went up until the 10 mg Thanks...
How would I know if 2.5 mg is working...
Anxiety symptoms So you think 2.5 is not doing much I take it at night to help with sleep and I think that it's doing but don't know ......
So last Sunday night I started lexapro at 2.5 ... when do I up to 5 mg ? Not really feeling much different .. Thank you...
Thank you so much !...
So I started a low dose last night When do side effects start? Not sure I will be able to tell a side effect because I generally don't feel great Thanks...
Bus par is not an Antidepressant? What is it ? Thanks...
Anyone try 5 htp instead of SSRI Thanks...
They don't hurt unless I have to do something like driving which puts direct pressure on it then it does .. Let me know please what your doctor says...
I have a small nodule on the base of my finger joint on my palm on both hands .. Is this an RA nodule ?...
I have been debating starting Lexapro for a while now .. Of course read about bad side effects people have but curious if anyone is on it Thanks...
Thank you .. So interesting .. Do you find it helps with pain and fatigue ? I am scared to start it but dr feels it might help .. Thankx...
Anyone take antidepressants AND is it helpful? Thanks...
My rheumatologist did x rays and a bone density test today She found heel spurs .. Anyone with RA have them ? Thanks...
Anyone taking Meloxicam for pain ?...
Has anyone tried Meloxicam ? Positives and negatives ? Thanks...
Hi Thanks So I actually read an article that vertigo can be associated with RA So was curious .....
Do you get dizzy ? Going back to Rheumtoid dr to ask but not sure if it's related to RA or not Thanks...
Interesting .. But for me it can be my right foot and left hip .. Not right foot then left foot like you experience .. Who knows ? Maybe that happens down the road .. Hmm Thanks...
I am confused .. I was dx with RA but don't have symmetrical joint pain Right now 1 ankle is bad, and the hip on the other side .. Do you always need symmetry ? Thanks...