Hi Auzzie ... i am working with margaret aswell... can you please email me vkibumrah@gmail.com ... i need to ask you couple of things...
Hey WHR r u in Toronto ?...
Hey guys Was wondering how I got Lyme ... I Dont remember tick byte but I touched blood of my friend while I was putting bandage on his finger ... Don't knw whether he has Lyme ... But I do knw he...
r u detoxing enough... or u can check MTHFR ... if your body is not detoxing u cant get well... no matter how much medicine u took....because ur body is not releasing toxins....
It can transmit via kiss too ?...
Idk wat to do now ... Change the marriage date ... So confusing...
As the title says ... Pls suggest ... I'm getting married in Dec ......
Does neurological issue address with herbals or u have to go with abx ?...
hey girlie do u have neurological symptoms ?...
Dr jen in montreal she can help, she herself had lyme and now she's healed try to get in touch with her. really nyce. and now she's a naturopath....
Hey guys kinda hard day for me ... Just thinking If I got married and can I have babies after that ... So confusing I Dont wana trasmit to baby or my fiance ... Going through hard time Help...
Cowden protocol...
No animals ... Even the previous owner Dont HV any animals ... I trying to think whn I got Lyme cuz I don't HV bulls eye rash or didn't fall sick ......
or its just in my head...
So confused i bought this home in november 2013 , start getting symptoms in Feb 2014 could it be the house i mean might be ticks inside the house so confused ?...
Im in brampton...
i send u email could u have a look and reply me ? Thanks...
Dr Y ok ... so how u feeling during the medication and what medication he is giving you ... could u tell me so i can go see him too ....?...
Hello summersun ... How did u find the Dr in Ottawa ?...
But LLND in BC can prescribe antibiotics so u Dont need to go US their is dr EC in Richmond BC treat LymeS will help u out and abx and herbals...
Their is one LLND in Montreal she herself had Lyme and recoverd ... She comes here sometimes I talked to her other day ... Very nyce and felt good ... She also do Skype consult ... If u guys need...
As the title says all the Canadians...
What are the other symptoms of bartenolla ?...
Hello everyone I'm doin okay ... But from a week or so I'm having back pain its very annoying I'm not sure weather it's toxic build or wat ... Is their anything that can help and I'm not sure weather...
hi girlie The back pain u describing is it lower back pain spine or on ur full back ? moving around ?...
I'm having lower back pain too ... idk wether its due to lyme or wat its kinda dull but stays their .... I'm worried weather it will go away or no ?...
Hi Just got my test for magnesium and .98mmol and I'm not deficient , so should i still keep on taking magnesium ?...
Finally but still a year left ......
And what were ur symptoms lymepickle ?...
Hey lymepickle R u seeing the same LLmD Dr.EC from richmond.. Im kinda confused weather abx or herbals for abx i have to come to BC to c him for initial appointment...
Didn't do coinfection test yet ... So confused...
Yup did ignenx came positive for past exposure I believe igg and sick I'm not sick for now ... BT lets c whr this gs goes...
Yup ... Cuz my naturopath told me thy can work together after your initial appointment...
Toronto their is one naturopath but she can't prescribe abx cuz in Ontario nd can't prescribe abx like in BC...
Hey barngurl What were the issues u were having with neurological Lyme ? Symptons...
Let me know how its goes for now I'm doing herbal shope thy gono work sometimes I'm confused about abx ... Wether should I go for abx ... So don't know yet ... If I do then I have to come BC to see...
Hey girlie did u find about Dr.EC in Vancouver I heard his interview sounds pretty knowlegable....
I talked to Jim Wilson of canlyme he said the bill should be a law by the end of summer session and they are opening a new facility in Toronto hospital by next year ( new one ) can't remember the...
This Dr. will work with the retired LLMD u are telling me ...they both work together i mean he learn from him aswell....
hello everyone I know that cholestyramine is a toxic binder, except from can it e use for mold detox too. because i did a test and it show negative amount of mold but as lyme and mold doesn't go well...
yup and this dr. soung knowledgeable too. as I'm in toronto i was thinking to come to vancouver to c him, but then my LLND in toronto said we will go certain herbal protocols if something doesn't...
I believe LLND Dr in BC can prescribe antibiotics ? I just heard in his interview. I'll send u the link Thanks...
i mean to it works as a toxic binder too... so i was thinking cholestyramine does the same thing too...so any suggestion ...?...
ok i got the results for mold and its negative but their is still little in my system 0.09 ppb negative , positive if greater then 0.2 So i can't get Cholestyramine here in canada without...
U think neurotox antitox CNS/PNS by Dr jernigar will work ?...
I will start taking activated charcoal as it is available and after couple of months will get restested will see wat results look like then ? May be it will lowered down...
lyme babe for how long are you going to take cholestyramine for ?...