A little confused - what makes this test different in that it can measure the levels in your body? What do I need to ask my doctor the next time I see her to get such a test done?...
Thanks Treveler - its funny (not haha funny, ironic I guess) that you say that. There's an older lady that I go to church with that's been diagnosed with Lyme and she was on 6 months of doxy and the...
Traveler - I did a 3 week round of Amoxicillin (500 mg 3x per day). That was 6 weeks or so ago. I did get an overall feeling of being sick while on the antibiotic and my joint/muscle pain did feel...
Traveler - I was told by my doctor, sternly I might add, that she does not want to see me again until the new year...that it takes time for this thing to run its course. So I wait for 2 months while...
Sorta out of left field here, but are hemorrhoids generally associated with Lyme? The reading I've done leads me to believe no, but that some co-infections may lead to it. Anyone have experience with...
I've read about what some people are dealing with and some of the replies would indicate that its a result of herxing. I've experienced some of these same things, but BEFORE I was put on antibiotic....
OK - sent an email back to you. thanks for the insight!...
IGM were all non-reactive for 23,39,41. That's all the doctor's office told me. Are there other bands they would look at?...
Hey all - thanks so far for the feedback and advice...appreciate all of it. I did call the doctor's office again to see if I could get the results of the blood work and must have talked to the right...
Can someone help me understand why I could continue to feel the effects of lyme (joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue) if I am done with my antibiotic treatment and the bacteria has supposedly...
Wait a minute - I just went down through the list of symptoms and saw canker sores...is this true??? I assume so but if I go back 2 weeks prior to the bladder issues, I recall 2 ulcers in my...
opugirl - tell me about it...my doctor had me thinking I was nuts for about 4 weeks because every test they did came back negative. But I knew something was wrong...you just know. It was almost like...
Thanks Sarah - I do not have the number. All I was told was that my western blot came back positive. I called my doctor's office and they said they didn't have access to the full results???...
I should have mentioned that the cold hands thing has re-surfaced again too. The last 2 or 3 days I have noticed it. I just need to know whether I should seek a second opinion. I am not sure how...
So I tested positive for Lyme Disease 4 weeks ago (the last of many tests run). The result of the test that looks for current infection was negative but the "recent or past" test came back positive....