Any updates? These symptoms sound like me. They think I may have lyme too....
I've been reading that it can be sexually transmitted. I am terrified! Couldn't we just reinfect each other if we both have it?...
Hands have a tremor that comes and goes. Twitching everywhere. Yes, I have a amazing internist that thought it was lyme and suggested Igenex. I will be scheduling w an LLD, too. Did you sexual pass...
Just diagnosed! 2 weeks on doxy so far. Will the all over constant twitching get any better? It's driving me nuts!!!...
Thanks, initial test was through Igenex too....
My Dr. just called and said my Immunoflourecence was off the charts positive, but western blot inconclusive. He's running another test through Igenex. What does this mean? He said its a abnormal...