Rikki1. I emailed you and I also enabled my email I think....
thank you all so much. I am so thankful for the information. I was bit by a tick more than 10 years ago. I've been battling so many things and everyone says you have some pretty crazy things. I am 44...
i am looking for a LLMD. I live in Vernon, NJ 07462...
😢😢😢😢 thank you thank you thank you. I feel like I'm going crazy. I was given a shot of a med today they use to treat breast cancer and was given folic acid he said it can help your hair from...
I have read the start here stuff for Lyme. I'm confused and I apologize but I recently had a western blot done. Came back equivocal and positive for band 23 and 58. Says negative. My doctor says ok...