Hi Kitkate, It's been over a year since you posted so I hope you're doing better now. I do get the tightness as you say in those areas. I am being treated for Lyme and Babesia and I feel as though...
Hello Scaredy Cat and thankyou for the warm welcome. I was not aware you had resource material for anxiety management and will definitely check it out. Lyme disease is so wide spread now, and it is...
I am so aware of what you are going through. I have Lyme and Babesia and have been treating for over a year. My anxiety levels are through the roof. I get them daily for over three years now. I wish...
Thankyou both for the help. My email is now enabled....
I was diagnosed with Lyme and Babesia in March of 2014. I am currently under a doctor's care but am relapsing after making some progress. I am looking for a new lyme literate doctor in the...
Has anyone tried the Jernigans NeuroAntitox CNS/PNS? I have heard from a few people it helped them with anxiety issues around the second day of using it....
I have the anxiety and panic attacks also. I have for the most part become homebound because I fear being out in public. This illness is so bizarre, I was always confident, worked full time and left...
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here and have found tons of good information on this site. One thing I would like to ask is does anyone experience a locked feeling in their muscles? I have it mostly in my...