wonderful! Thanks Garzie! much appreciated....
My town is attempting to put in place a new zoning law that would allow for BSL laboratories by-right. I've been trying to stop this, for obvious reason. Well, obvious to me, at least. They asked me...
Excellent questions. Thanks so much. I hadn't thought of these. I'm not sure if she's been under anethesia before. I will ask her. She had a hysterectimy a long time ago. Not sure if she was under...
Thank you all for your feedback. She is generally in good health otherwise. The article that I read said there's a 1 in 10 chance of death after 90 days, so that was very concerning to me. I'm glad...
Hi All, My mother is 83 years old, and she is interested in getting hip replacement surgery. This scares me quite a bit, because of her age. It sounds like a really serious surgery. A couple of her...
Does these drugs work to get rid of Lyme Disease? Or does it only work for tape worms? I suppose spirochetes are kind of like a worm, and are certainly parasites....
https://rumble.com/v49fsr6-detoxification-of-parasites-and-mico-wormss.html pancur.com https://www.niclosam.com/ ivermectin - 12 milligrams 3x per day praziquantel - 600 milligrams tinidazole - 100...
Hi Astroman - I'm not sure I understand. The quote says lack of. Is it missing what it is lacking? I was reading a little bit about lyme arthritis. I think they seemed to suggest that the...
Thank you all for your helpful replies. astroman - DMSO? Do you apply this topically? Quin - I think this might be what I have. A build up of calcium in the joints. You mention that you treated your...
Hi Dude - OK, yes, I'll take a look at these books. Is it something the comes and goes? I always thought it was like a cumulative thing. Like it just steadily gets worse. not like a headache that...
Yes, I think you're right. I think it is osteoarthritis. On the wikipedia page, it says that Lyme disease can be a factor. This is going to be a problem, due to my strenuous occupation. I had a...
Hi Garzie, This is something I was stuck on as well. The facts that you state here are true. However, the thing I didn't realize is that this is the way "weaponization" works. The scientists are not...
I had this earlier on as a symptom. It seems to get better with time, and is replaced with other symptoms. I had to go on lorazapam to deal with anxiety and stress. Otherwise I couldn't cope. I think...
Is arthritis something that comes along with lyme disease? I am 42 years old, and I have started having pain in my fingers. I am starting to notice a hard growth in the joint of my index finger. My...
You may already know this, but Igenex now has a lyme culture test. It is the gold standard. If they can grow spirochetes from a sample of your blood, then you have it. No questions asked....
I also kind of gave up on doctors many years ago. I came to the conclusion that there was really not much they could do to cure lyme disease, so I stopped going. However, this might be bad for my...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here has been able to successfully acquire disability in Massachusetts. I have been reading the sleepygirl website. It is incredibly informative, but also a bit...
I was wondering if anyone here has tried intravenous Vitamin C for treatment of Lyme Disease. I was reading about this treatment here:...
I think this is correct. It is very difficult to have an open and honest conversation about this treatment because of the hype. However, I believe it does need to be done very carefully. My first...
Yes, I can't say that I have personally tried it myself. I would be interested to try it though....
Thanks Garzie - I didn't realize that we should supplement with the bioavailable form of Carnitine. I just picked up a huge bottle of Carnitine, not Acetyl-Carnitine. I guess I'll invest in some...
Don't get too hung up on terms, my friend. Review Carnitine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnitine It is an essential element that is found to be naturally depleted in Lyme Disease patients. It...
It is a free course to help you regenerate your body through nutrition....
The Effectiveness of Microdosed Psilocybin in the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Lyme Disease: A Case Study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36896410/...
Lyme borreliosis patients exhibit a significant decrease of their serum carnitine concentrations....
Helpful information about Lyme on Green Med Info: https://greenmedinfo.com/disease/lyme-disease There is a free master class on brightu.com from Sayer Ji starting next weekend. It concerns topics...
On this website, it says that the TIF procedure lasts for 7 to 12 years: https://hospitals.jefferson.edu/tests-and-treatments/tif-procedure/frequently-asked-questions.html What happens after the...
Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning...
Thanks Susie - So you're saying that the TIFF procedure will be more than 6k. So it might make sense for me to change my insurance to BC/BS....
I was wondering if anyone knows how much a TIFF procedure would cost out of pocket? My doctor said that I would need to get Blue Cross/Blue Shield because they are the only insurance plan that covers...
I was curious if anyone here has used Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) for treating lyme disease. I tried a drop of chlorine dioxide and citric acid diluted in 2 cups of water, stirred it around, and took a...
All about mRNA So Called Vaccines - It's not a vaccine. It's a gene therapy. Good video: https://rumble.com/veos2r-all-about-mrna-so-called-vaccines.html...
BOMBSHELL: Doctor Loses 22 Patients After COVID Vaccine https://www.infowars.com/posts/bombshell-doctor-loses-22-patients-after-covid-vaccine/...
Yes, sounds like quite a few countries are suspending the vaccine. Thank god! I feel bad for people who have already taken it....
Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections https://home.solari.com/family-financial-disclosure-form-for-covid-19-injections/ FAMILY FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM FOR COVID-19 INJECTIONS...
No offense skinny_joe, but my take on it is that people have much better things to do with their lives then filling out false claims of harmful vaccine effects. What would be the motivation for...
In Israel, refusing coronavirus vaccination means your life is over https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-03-10-israel-refusing-coronavirus-vaccination-means-life-over.html...
I am very afraid of the social bullying that is going on to pressure people to take the vaccine. I WILL NOT take the vaccine. I am happy to get fired from my job. I am happy to never board an...
FDA warns against ivermectin to treat covid, but India uses it successfully for health care workers https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-03-10-fda-warns-against-ivermectin-to-treat-covid-but-india.html...
Utah Mom, 39, Dies Days After Receiving Second Dose of Moderna Vaccine https://www.infowars.com/posts/utah-mom-39-dies-days-after-receiving-second-dose-of-moderna-vaccine/...
Hello, I know this is a little off topic, but there are a lot of smart people on this forum, so I thought I might reach out for help. My father has been getting alzheimers and it's become really bad...
Yes, we had done that. He provided two names of two neuro doctors. He has seen them. They have not been helpful. They want him to perform a 2 hour long verbal test and charge him 2 thousand dollars,...
My father has been losing his memory for the past 6 months. It has steadily been getting worse. Today he can't remember anything. Things he told me 5 minutes ago, he doesn't remember. I want to get...
This is not related to Lyme disease, but I know there is a lot of knowledge on this forum and I was hoping someone might be able to help. My father has been losing his memory for the past 6 months....
Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID 19 VACCINE https://www.brighteon.com/9fe41671-40b8-4191-b5d8-dbee796209b9...
Bioweapons Treaty Author: COVID Vaccine Contains HIV https://banned.video/watch?id=5fd3fb3d7db9227957c50d5c...
Around 42:00 he starts talking about the dangers of the vaccines: https://www.brighteon.com/995eb6dd-398e-4cb1-876f-af3dd5954e29...
Stop trying to scare people with these bogus claims when they are already going through the stress of dealing with Lyme.[/quote] Stop trying to edit my freedom of speech. I am one of these people...
If you have Lyme disease, think twice about getting this vaccine. One bioweapon is enough for our bodies to deal with. Introducing another bioweapon into our fragile bodies is not a good road to...