Yes Girlie it was the PCR, that makes sense about it being a small sample. Girlie , Did you get the IFA- wondering how reliable or customary is that to have done? Thanks, this is all a shock to me...
Thanks PeteZa. Has anyone had results like this? Just wondering why the DNA is negative. Feeling very stressed about all of this!...
Thank you Sarah....
Thanks Girlie. My son is 18 and in high school so I guess he may need a regular doctor not pediatric. I failed to mention that. Ok, thanks I will figure out how to enable the email option!...
Thank you Sarah. That link is very helpful-thank you so much! I do need help as I don't know about any of this. I stumbled on Lyme out of sheer accident. I live in Southern California. Thank you!...
Hi, Just got my son's IGENEX test results and need some help, is he Lyme positive? My son is very very ill, got sick in late August with swollen glands, fatigue, weakness, sensitive to heat, restless...