You may want to watch the documentary "Memories for life"...
EWOT is a one time purchase and has many of the same outcomes
Have you had any dental work done? Wisdom tooth removal? root canals? Any bite adjustments?...
Not my experience but my doc test differently-using the meridian lines. His clinic is called Prevention and Healing...
Nasal Red light therapy has been helpful-start slow...
There are many docs that start with your teeth. Dr Rau at the Paracelsus clinic wont see a patient that does get their dental checked next door. The clinic had 5 full time biological dentist. Root...
have you ever done a couple weeks of anti parasite meds?if not its worth a try...
prolozone injection is reasonably cheap and not much downside-cured my shoulder...
many folks have parasites-its what many docs miss. I met the doc written up as the real Dr House in Discover Mag. He said almost every client has been to 20 docs before he meets them and nobody has...
I only did this once at Paracelsus=along with many other therapies. I would think one would needed to do all of that for several months for it to be a cure-or at least several weeks. It would be...
cheap and easy to try-I dont know of any downside A little research will show you that 90%+ are defiicient in magnesium so most likely you are. It's a very common issue with heart palpitations...
I cured my heart palpitations by taking magnesium. cheap and easy to try and no downside-it took me one week and palpitations were gone...
EWOT would help-great for immune system. See a biological dds-get metals and any infections out There is a great YOUTUBE titled The Effects of Exercise With Oxygen on Immune parameters in Patients...
If money was no issue I would go to Paracelsus in Switzerland for 4-6 months. They have all the supportive treatments...
You never want to different metals in your jaw. Two different metals in a saline solution creates a battery.-not good for brain fog. Also know the dental meridian chart...
Cool you found it...
Dude- its cheap and safe and a possible cure. Don't try it if you dont want to....
I got the sea salt cure from Gary Braka at 10X health-zero downside. All three are possible cures and not some new medication-let us know!...
I have three things you can try with no downside. 1. turn off wifi at night-hopefully its not in your bedroom 2. twice a day have a glass of water with a pinch of seasalt- 3. never drink sugar free...
For my money Ewot seems better and can be a one time purchase-I think it works better because the exercise created some pressure to move the o2 throughout the body-and watch the video-the immune...
EWOT can be amazing for immune system - Causenta clinic has done some amazing studies on this-seems like an easy way to boost your immune...
Sorry to say but since there is no pharma cure there will be no pressure on congress to make happen-quite the opposite. Our system rewards life long meds not health-sorry to say...
Here is Dr Hyman
Definitely get your metals tested by a doctor who test and treats metals-they will definitely use a challenge test. Testing and treating metals was a major benefit in my own health journey-I was...
Probably well worth seeing a biological dds-at least get a dental thermography=cheap and easy. You should also have knowledge of the dental meridian chart=was spot on for me...
When I had morgellons I found the piece that turned it around was seeing a biological dentist even though I didnt think I had dental issues. Have you had dental work? After that-many rounds of meds...
I recommend Forum Health in Fond du lac...
Have you had any dental work? Have you ever seen a bite specialist?...
A friend of mine cured her headaches by turning off the Wi-Fi at night. No downside to trying this for a week...
Forum Health= Fond du Lac...
Try taking magnesium for heart palpitations-95% of the population is deficent. It cured my palpitations within a week...
do what works...
Sometime sunshine helps...
When I asked my doc if he ever helps anyone with alzheimers he said he has a cured rate of 25%. What he does after reviewing the patients history is he weans the patient off some of the multiple...
I would add MAH ozone. Works wonder with antibiotics...
Are they bothering you?...
If the wisdom teeth are infected it can created many symptoms in your body. Pulling teeth cna cleaning out infection may be very helpful-know the dental meridian chart...
I was told that mean you are to acidic-maybe add some green drinks and see if it changes...
With face and scalp burning it could easily be a festering dental infection-traditional dds miss them all the time. A thermography of your head\face will show possible infections-cheap and easy....
Have you had a dental thermography. Cheap-easy...
I rem ember that feeling-I couldnt figured out what to do that I hadnt already done. Then I went to a new doc who found and treated "hidden dental infections" and found and treated parasites. Both...
Keep trying-look for out of the box docs. I used a guy in St Louis-his Clinic is called Prevention and Healing-I think he is a great out of the box MD...
Could be your immune system waking up and starting to work. Might be a good sign...
Could your bite be slightly off? If your bite is off nerves-blood flow and drainage can all be pinched off...
I know a retired biological dds who told me in his long career he cured vertigo 4 times by finding a dental cavitation and treating-I think it was at the wisdom tooth site-but I may be wrong. Either...
Margarita- we all need to make our choices-I dont have an autoimmune so easy choice....
Do they go away if you take something to boost your immune system like echinacea or a mushroom complex?...
Dr Y in St Louis uses albendazole and other antiparasite meds. He also for years has written monthly articles about how and why along with outcomes. You can read them for free at Prevention and...
Maybe see a new doc with a different approach-I go to Prevention and Healing clinic in St Louis....