Interesting. EMF affects everyone via VAAC channels. Seems like a beautiful place to live, and what better way to help yourself and the world than to lower carbon footprint and throw out all emf...
If you're going to spend $1000, just use shielding paint. Then get a shielding mat to go under your bed. I made one with 10 rolls of tin foil into one large square, folded them all together very...
I love how patients are understanding the impact a synthetic world of EMF has on us all. You might find this crazy (it's not), but research Wireless Body Area Networks or WBAN; your mouth might just...
The only way I know of knowing, physically, whether your immune system is active, and this is only in chronic Lyme arthritis patients as well as those who have acquired 1st and 2nd stage joint pain,...
Nah, not really. The more people know about this, eventually maybe we can get compensated for their treachery and put good people in their place....
In 2021 scientists did a genetic study of Lyme disease strain B. Burgdorferi, where scientists were amazed by how unusual borrelia burgdorferi is (it has more diverse plasmids than any other...
Good thread on 'Lyme' and Bioweapon origins: ...
Beautiful!!! I'm thinking of going to a Christian retreat to pray for awhile. The one thing that has my brain in a knot, is not being able to relate to the working crowd that surrounds me. By...
Something that helped me was moving to a warmer climate, being with nature more often, hiking and foraging for wild greens and mushrooms, always making sure I check for ticks, and getting a well...
Bumping this. B. Burgdorferi is most likely a bioweapon meant to incapacitate. There is a great twitter thread proving all of this and it talks about the genetic structure of this strain and that it...
I honestly do not know how I'm functioning at even a basic level. I have been suffering from the impact of 'Lyme' on and off for 20 years, and the last 10, the bacteria and co-infections have sucked...
I had a gut feeling it was Babesia and TBRF only because the two ticks I tested, after being engorged, were positive for TBRF and Babesia but nothing else. The one w/ TBRF was a nympth as well, and...
The rest:
Need help reading. ------ I've had Bart, Babesia and Borreliosis for a decade, and recently got bit by multiple ticks and came down several months ago with a 10 day 103 relapsing fever. I tested two...
Got that from neuroborreliosis scarring on hipocampus. My brain was screwed because of the infection and cytokines/QUINolonic acid etc. Only thing that ridded of my neuro problems was Rocephin picc...
I wanted to ask the experts here what herbal combination is best for systemic Borrelia/Babesia/Bartonella infection. I have dozens of bulk organic herbal extracts from Spirit of Health KC and other...
I agree about prop 65 warning, though if you can get the same mushroom extract with lower lead content, that's always better. I listed the above recommendations from nammex because they test all...
I don't recommend. Has prop 65 warning. See my recommends above. EVERY LYMIE should be buying Nammex....
The ONLY brands I'd ever recommend! I've done years of research on mushroom fruiting body extracts, there are lots of scam companies out there. Many of the brands I list below also carry turkey...
I would NOT recommend any Cordyceps power UNLESS it comes from Nammex, the only organic grower that tests their batches. A lot are not standardized for cordycepin, most add gmo starch, many are just...
I was banned for months because I mentioned the names of the ALDF racketeers who have caused so much torment and for millions to go undiag-misdiagnosed via falsifying diagnostics (manipulting...
So I have had a fever for 8 days now. Remitting and relapsing, it has reached 104. The doctors put me on iv zithro and doxy. I refused the Lyme ELISA test as that test throws out 93% of all cases due...
FOR Bart, minocycline, atovaquone, and azithromycin/clarithromy. was game changer. They say not to take zithro/clatithro maclorides together but it I feel they did thr most....
I have tested positive on IGENEX for B. Burgdorferi, Bartonella, Babesia Microti and Ducani. It took me 5 years to go i to remission and now it's all coming back. The ticks were tested and they...
Most physicians don't read pubmed, or very rarely do they, and when they do, they forget and nothing changes. One spirochete can tolerize your immune system and cause anergy. They've known for 100...
This statement alone makes her u qualified to treat Borreliosis, though if we follow the legal Lyme semantics game of hyperactive immune response (15% of patients) and one swollen knee, then maybe....
Don't bother taking ELISA. It throws out 92-95% cases using false case definition and 40% sensitivity....
Tell me how we can "get better", if we have a two tier standard that throws out 94% of patients (lol). Test is 40% sensitive. Those 85% of tolerized low antibody count patients (neuroborreliosis)...
We need a doc about the crime that is Lyme. Lyme doesn't exist (false case def.). Chronic Borreliosis relapsing fever does exist, and has been known to exist for 40 years until the racketeers tried...
Can you say more about this? I’m new to this - but actually HIV+ here and I’ve observed a really hard immune crash when I have what I now know could be a “flare.” The last two months have been one...
It moves around for me. It usually is in the crevices of the tendons of top of feet but also soles, achilles tendon and lower shins, sometimes traveling up to thighs....
Omg. I have Borreliosis, Babesiosis and Bartoneliosis, w/ VERY HIGH titers, the former two from tick, the latter from a wild cat that scratched me, and I can say that the Bart top of feet and shin...
I'll keep this as short as possible. I have not had GERD or any bouts of acid reflux/heartburn in the past 10 years. I have or had Bartonelliosis, Borreliosis, Babesiosis and other infections which I...
Hopefully you're not Lyme Science Guy TM trying to sow division. Let's figure this out. First, Lyme doesn't exist, because the legal def. of Lyme is a false case definition which exists merely as...
The pfizer 'vaccine and Moderna 'vaccine use CRISPR cas9 technology. I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. See here:
High QUIN (Quinolinic Acid) in brain is seen elevated in Neuroborreliosis patients as well as depression, generalised anxiety, nearly all neurodegenerative disorders, HIV/AIDS and suicide patients,...
15g is a huge ("hero") dose. 2.5g had me thinking like a child again but also intense meditation and some interesting visuals and suppressed thoughts that I faced. I cannot imagine 15g. Also,...
I believe there are 3 or 4 kinds of ozones and only one works good and doesn't use added chemicals. I remember reading this on phenoixforums and I'm unable to find it....
Don't let rheumatologists tell you your non-swelling joint pain is autoimmune... there are tests to determine that. As someone who was diagnosed with autoimmunity causing my arthritis, which was a...
Sue the criminal racketeers that causes this crisis in the first place ie., Steere, Haplerin, Kaplan, Shapiro, the ALDF, etc. Then you'll be able to afford your treatment. Lots of LLMDS are starting...
Maclorides only thing that worked for bart and Lyme, apart from Rocephin to clear up Glutamate in NDMA synapse. Accidently, was taking two maclorides together, Zith and Clarithromycin and it got rid...
Any help?...
Basically, I'm a young adult and despite never having joint pain since receiving rocephin and going on antibiotics for years and later stopping a year or two ago, I have come down with serious small...
Get frankincense at the Frankincense store in the UK. It's the best you can get. Frankincense or Boswellia resin from the sap (best bang for your buck is the Yellow Hojari) of the tree is amazing....
It is more than a b--ch. You think its gone and it always comes back and attacks your bones, joints and makes your shins and tops of feet feel like they're exploding. No pun intended for my...
Hmmmm, weird. October 2019: International Vaccine CEO's and stakeholders PROMISED a coming "VACCINE REVOLUTION" whilst undergoing a Global CoronaVirus pandemic drill... huh? Weird. It's like Covid...
No vaccine will ever cure Lyme borreliosis due to antegenic variation. Not now, not ever. The whole point of the lyme vaccines is profit driven....
I had two relatives take the Pfizer vax and one of them was sick for several months and the other had bells palsey and tremors. The vaccines ARE THE COVER-UP. They are immune-supressing long-term,...
Antibiotics didn't work, I tried every kind, probably just surpressed my immune system and caused tolerance. Now what? On top of Bart, I have Borreliosis, Babesia to a lesser extent, Mycoplasma and a...