Julymorning, there is so many home remedies out there that I wish I could remember! My mom and grandmother knew all kinds of them and I always tried my best to pick up on all that they would share....
Amen & well said! I take it all with a grain of salt! Life is too short, plus, my memory sucks! So, if I may have said anything that offended anyone, I'll be the first to apologize now. Although when...
These doctors that I have seen has come up with as many if not more possibilities that I could have! Seriously! Some of which my wife and I was not even told about, we had to find out about them...
And, as far as I know, I've never been tested for Lyme disease but I'm on track to be! Thank y'all for all the help and info! I truly hope I can find some type of cure or at least ease for this pain...
Also, Julymorning, with your complaints. My Mom had a lot of very similar problems with her shins, I mean identical as you are describing with yours! Here's what I remember with my mom, she had a...
These things come and go in stages like, This latest episode with my arms has been going on now for the last 3 months or so. When it first started was probably the worst as far as most painful, but...
Allen's story! Hello, first let me start by saying that I'm not positive when I contracted it or even positive even now that I have it! I have ALL of the symptoms, signs of it, so I figured I will...