Thank you, Bluelyme. I have heard about bvt and found it interesting but I have not tried it. I will do some reading and possibly introduce it into my Lyme arsenal. I appreciate your input....
Thank you Purple Tulip, When I first got Lyme 15 years ago I was going through menopause at that time. I was a crazy mess, was it the Lyme or the Menopause I would ask myself. Now... I am through...
Thank you, mpost. I appreciate your comment....
Blue Lyme, I figured out what BVT is. Bee Venom Therapy!! I am so much sharper in the morning! Thanks again. And thank you to cr3ativegirl. I have never heard or thought about Biotoxin illness so...
I have a contact type rife machine. I am rifing twice a week, once for Lyme, once for co-infections. Maybe I should increase it to every day, alternating between the two. I will read up on the sida...
Thanks for the welcome and thanks to all for the advise. I think it would be good for me to work on detox and look over the complete Buhner Protocol to see if there is anything there I might add. I...
I had been on the Buhner herbs for several years and only started pulsing them and the flagyl because my doctor suggested it after I relapsed and had finished the 1 month of antibiotics. I'm sure she...
Thank you for the welcome and for the information. I will do some reading!...
I have remained on the Buhner Protocol, at least the Cats Claw and Knot Weed. I take 2 capsules of each 3 times a day. I was only off of them for about 6 months and even then I was pulsing them...
Hello, I have had Lyme disease for nearing 15 years. I was diagnose early and treated aggressively with intravenous antibiotics at the time of infection but I never got completely well and would have...