Thanks. I've sent you an email, please check....
I don't live in USA so if I google search for a LLMD, I can't find any LLMD. There's a dermatologist here who has seen a few cases of Lyme and the blood test is sent to Germany so hopefully they...
Thanks. I live in Dubai,UAE....
I think petted a stray cat a few months ago. Do I visit a dermatologist or a MD because there's no LLMD in my city or the ones near me...
If this is Bartonella then its weird as to how I've caught the disease because I haven't been scratched by an animal. If I search for bartonella pics, I see people with huge marks but mine are small,...
No, the color might have faded away just a bit but the marks have remained the same....
Thanks a lot for the replies guys. I'll visit doctor soon....
I got these marks around 2 months ago and I've been experiencing some of the symptoms of Bartonella like body pain,anger or rage etc . Can someone tell if these are bartonella marks?...