Thank you girlie, astroman and traveler, I really appreciate you responding so quickly. I'm trying to minimise the quantity of items to be taken so am looking to combine as many as I can. Traveler,...
Rowingmom, what do you mean by 'we take the powder along with the tea? I think I just figured it - you don't strain the tea, you drink the whole thing, powder and all?...
So my husband is currently on the chronic tonic and we're about to add in the houttynia tea. From this chain I believe it is okay to add the herbs for both the chronic and houttynia to the water,...
....and thank you all, I don't feel quite so alone with this.......
...thank you very much, i really appreciate your kindness, actually brought a tear to my eye. It's so difficult to know what to do and how to help - at least this way i feel i'm being proactive....
thank you so much for your responses.... julymorning - at the moment detoxing consists of drinking copious amounts of lemon water and the epsom salt / hydrogen peroxide baths. We are going to add...
I'm hoping someone can give some advice: when on a new protocol, just started the chronic tonic, how often should detox baths, bentonite clay etc. be taken? First 3 days were great but day 4 and,...