I'm not a frequent poster here, but the times I have reached out you have always been one of the first to offer advice, knowledge and support. For that, I am very thankful and grateful. You're a very...
Hopefully it works for you! :)...
I was prescribed Buspar. Both times I took it, it actually gave me horrible anxiety. 😐 Of course, everyone responds differently to medications.. this was just my experience with it....
Thanks for the info, Traveler. :) Maybe it would be beneficial to ask about retesting for candida, although I'm not sure how accurate testing is for that? I'll be the first to admit that I'm not...
For some reason I've never given candida that much thought, but maybe that is a big part of my problem and I just don't know it!? I will check out the info you provided... thank you for that! I have...
When I first saw the 2nd doctor he advised me to go off of the antibiotics and antiviral I was on (he said he wanted to see how I felt going off of them) so I went ahead and did that for about 2...
Hello all! I need some outside perspective because I'm really making myself bananas trying to figure things out for myself. In November of last year I found an LLMD and tested through Igenex. My...
I certainly wil! I can understand why you decided to self treat. I think I'm getting to that point myself! If this new doctor doesn't pan out, I probably will. Thanks again for your support. I...
I understand what you're saying about the IV's. That isn't really something I necessarily want right now, I guess it's more about his openness to use this option should the need arise. Heck, the gal...
Thanks so much, I appreciate it! I hate switching doctors too! I can bring in pages upon pages of test results from the last year but inevitably they always seem to require even MORE tests. Testing,...
Thanks, Traveler! Maybe if I print some of this stuff out and bring it in to show them, one or hopefully both will be open to getting me on the recommended doses finally. If not, than I guess I'm...
Traveler- These guys both advertise (on their websites) that they treat Lyme disease though. Neither accept insurance so, of course, everything is out of pocket with them. Do you still think that...
Girlie- Yep, I do take probiotics every day. I also decided to take Serrapeptase and recently ordered some grapefruit seed extract because I've read these are good at busting biofilm/cysts. Is that...
Julymorning- If that is their philosophy, they haven't shared that with me! The new doctor has told me twice now that he generally expects to see some improvement within the first 4-6 weeks of...
I'm thinking of telling my first LLMD next month when I see him. I was thinking of maybe printing off some of the ILADS info from their website and bringing that with me to show him. He seems like he...
Girlie- Thank you, I so appreciate your help. I think I will take your advice on the Rifampin. Should I also up the Minocycline from 50mg/2x/day to 100mg/2x/day? Then add in the omnicef? I know not...
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out! Yeah, I mean...now that I'm on the Rifampin again (after taking a 2 week break) I do feel I'm herxing in that my pain levels are far more intense. The...
Girlie- Initially, with the first Doctor started me on 50mg/2x/daily and I was on that dose for 2-3 months (then he added Biaxin and bumped it up to 100 mg/2x daily). I was on that dose for a few...
Traveler- Thank you for all the info on herbal protocols. The one I'm most familiar with is Buhner's but admittingly, I don't know much about the others. I'll look into them and try to figure out...
Traveler, Thanks for the reply! It does seem that both like to take the slow and steady approach which, isn't necessarily a bad thing, but... I'm too the point where I'm seriously questioning if...
Good morning! I'm hoping someone can help me out with my antibiotic protocol. I've been seeing a LLMD since November of last year but have lost faith in his knowledge and treatment approach. When I...
I have painful breasts. :( My hormones are very whacked out right now so I'm sure that contributes to the problem. About 2 years ago that I was told that I was menopausal (this was before learning I...
Rikky1, How did you do on the Rifabutin? Was it easier than the Rifampin in terms of tolerating? My rifampin dose is 150mg 2x/daily. From what I've read that is a low dose, correct? Don't most people...
I'm still on the Rifampin... started it about a month ago and it's basically been a month of herxing. All of my symptoms are much much worse (most especially my pain level). I just figured that since...
Ok, thanks so much everyone! I'm hoping the nurse just misunderstood what the doctor told her (but to be honest I'm doubtful because she said "Doc said you should discontinue the Rifampin if you are...
LymePickle, The nurse didn't really say what doses he intended on for me so I'm not sure. He doesn't seem to ever want to increase my Doxy dose to a normal dose that I've read others take so I would...
Hello all! I'm hoping someone more antibiotic knowledgeable than I am can tell me if it would be normal for a doctor to prescribe minocycline and doxycline to be taken together? I saw my LLMD about a...
Thanks, Traveler! When I'm not feeling so crappy I will look over all of his test results to see if he tested his DHEA. You guys are awesome. Thanks again. 😀...
Traveler, I don't recall seeing anything on his tests regarding DHEA, nor did the doctor mention this. Do you know if it would be listed under another name on the tests? Initially I was the one who...
Good morning! This all makes sense. I cannot understand how the doctor came in the room and said "Good news! You don't have Lyme Disease". He said it with such assurance and conviction. Lol. 😕 Does...
Thank you so much for your replies, it means a lot. :). I've been treating since November of last year but haven't made any real progress as of yet. I've really been struggling with doubt about my...
Girlie, My husband said the ticks weren't embedded... as in he didn't have to dig them out of his skin. He was able to pull them off fairly easily. Does it matter if they were embedded or not?...
Thank you guys for your comments! I really appreciate it. I will actually show him your comments to back up what I believed all along (he kinda side-eyed me when I told him I thought the Dr was...
I thought it was interesting too (and totally confusing) because I don't have any Lyme specific positive bands (so of course now I am questioning my own diagnosis :( The doctor also talked about band...
That's funny you mention Lyme Bingo.. as soon as we left the doctor's office I pulled that up online and showed my husband. 😂 I guess I assumed if any Lyme specific bands came up positive or IND...
Hello all, I'm a regular lurker on this board, but this is only my second post. :). There are so many kind and knowledgeable folks here so I am really hoping someone can help me make sense of not...
Thank you!!!...
Hello! I've been reading on this forum for a while, but just joined today. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella, CPN as well as all the lovely viruses that tend to come along with this rotten...