Dr. J pretty much starts with Babesia treatment (after a few weeks of stabilization) - but it does include lyme antibiotics. And it's pulsed from the get-go. The bart and babs replicate faster than...
So I am wondering, for lyme (not co-inf.), have all therapies been ineffective not as much because of too little dosage, but rather more because of delivery timing? Even Marshall Protocol uses small...
www.holtorfmed.com/are-lyme-patients-being-dosed-incorrectly/ Not sure where I found this. May have been here, so apologies if just more of the same ol'......
ToddPaul, Agreed on the bart drugs. However, 5 days may be too long and allow replication, which would defeat the protocol. Not saying it is for sure, but make sure, if you are fighting bart. I read...
ToddPaul, Sounds good. Good luck. Wouldn't pulse the zith. Half life too ling......
Trying to figurw out how to properly respond to various posts. Apologies if format is incorrect....
Thanks. Well said. Beautiful! I'm also a big-believer in this philosophy. We are a brother and sisterhood. These illnesses can be ridiculously hard, so many suicides. If we can support one another...
If you have co-infection I would address them before pulsing for lyme. I have read that babs and bart are fast replicators and wont be treated while pulsing for lyme. Therefore potentially dangerous...
Dapsone 50 mg in the AM. Doxy 100 mg AM and PM Rifabutin (not sure of mg but sure it's pretty standard) AM and PM Also taking various other supps and herbs. DETOX IS HUUUGE...clay and zeolite,...
Started treatment a few months ago with dapsone, doxy, and rifampin. Good things are happening... but, I am really starting to feel good for the first time, and I belueve it is because I am pulsing 5...