Hi Girlie! I've been on CPAP for 4 years now. And it has been vital for my memory (overall cognitive function) and recovery. If you have sleep apnea, I would definitely get a CPAP....
Thanks Dude! How are you doing?...
I remember you, Hoagie! That’s great that you’re doing well! I am in remission - All symptoms gone - except my short term memory isn’t as good as it was pre Lyme. My “regular “ dr told me that the...
Hi RC! Good to hear from you. How are you doing these days? Yeah. I was looking at me original test results a while back and noticed I did test positive for babs. I didn't really pay it mush mind at...
Thank you Garzie. I stung 3 times a week, 10 stings per session. Along the spine (one inch off both sides). For example: Cervical area - Monday; Thoracic area - Wednesday; Lumbar area - Friday. I...
Hi Everyone. I hope you all are doing well and/or hopeful today. It has been a long while since I have been on this forum. I just wanted to give an update on my progress. A little background for...
Hi RC! How are you?...
Sounds like you are in the right track! Are you cycling off your abx? What is your schedule if you don't mind me asking?...
I have gotten to the point where I can work out vigorously for over 2 hours. That's lifting heavy weight and adding cardio at the end. It was tricky getting there though. Definitely listen to your...
It is important to have an epi-pen before stinging. The first time I stung I stung once and waited 30 minutes if I remember correctly. Then I stung one more time. I was able to increase my stings by...
Great to hear Girlie! That is so awesome and encouraging!! I still deal with memory issues as well. We've bought those little tile devices to locate our keys and my wallet for when I forget where I...
This would be beneficial for almost any condition I would assume. Pumping oxygen rich blood deep within my tissues was a key factor in my recovery. I didn't exercise with oxygen, but I would love...
Thanks Girlie! How have you been?...
Hi WBF! I moved back into the house after some remediation. We moved out of that house at the end of 2019. We ended up finding mold in the air handler of our ac earlier this year in the house we are...
Hey everyone. It's been a while but over the past year I have had massive successes in my recovery and wanted to share the key aspects of my recovery with you in hopes that it will help some. First...
It will seem a little much at first. But trust me, it becomes easier every time you do it. You got this. It is worth it. Join Ellie Lobel's bee venom therapy for Lyme FB group and you will get loads...
Hi WBF! My last sting session was maybe 2 months ago. I am in the gym 4-5 days a week. Just finished up my computer networking degree. Working at the college too. And had an awesome 13 mile hike...
Good luck sunfun. If you can find some place to ship to you, you can watch videos on how to sting yourself. It's awkward at first, but becomes easier as you establish a routine. I hope you can get...
Here are 2 more bvt stories. Trish is doing these once every 2 weeks for anyone interested. This video is about Melissa Pariseau and her battle fighting Lyme disease. She includes how she finds out,...
I've heard of people doing apitherapy for MS with success....
Nicole Mazzitelli was on the verge of giving up after 7 years of being sick from Lyme disease, she decided to try one more time. Come hear how Nicole beat Lyme disease with Bee Venom Therapy. Join...
https://www.pollenpeddlers.com/bvt-success-stories#/ There will be another live success stort/Q&A today at 4pm EST....
It's no problem insomnia. 😁 Have fun splitting your hive. I do plan on keeping bees myself once I move....
Trish and Jason from Pollen Peddlers have started producing videos of stories/interviews of Lyme sufferers and their BVT journey. They just started less than a month ago and have two up so far. The...
I have the opposite. High LDL but low HDL. Doesn't seem to matter what I do. Diet change and exercise have little effect. Even when I was down to under 160 lbs ( I'm 6'1) I still had high ldl....
Just make sure you have your EpiPen and Benadryl handy. Ellie says there is a risk you can go into anaphylaxis after that long not stinging. You should be fine, just be aware. Happy stinging!...
I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I pray for a speedy recovery. I have read several reports globally of people being refused testing because their symptoms aren't severe enough. This tells me...
Resetting your circadian rhythm is key to getting restful, healing sleep. Granted, this can be challenging with Lyme involved, but not impossible. I was experiencing a lot of sleep deprivation for...
Didn't he heal himself and family members with bvt?...
Excellent post! This is right alongside my thinking. In most cases I believe lyme to be a contributing factor, but not the main issue....
I'm starting to believe many many more people have lyme but are either asymptomatic or it has been misdiagnosed. I don't mean a small percentage of the population. I'm thinking more than half. And...
What a tricky disease and treatment. I remember having a $400 phone appointment with my llmd the Spring of 2018. I was on 7 different meds and having a super difficult time with it. I had to stop...
From my research and having read many of accounts of successful long term successes and failures using abx, I have a theory. Long term abx, in some people, will allow a current fungal or parasitic...
Hi Sunshine. I'm from Fayetteville and saw both JP in Raleigh and AW at Jemsek's clinic in DC. Of course it's personal preference, but I had much better experiences with JP. He used to work along...
I'm so happy to hear you are experiencing improvements. All these treatments can really throw the body out of balance. I too wish I would have focused more on my gut earlier. I had started drinking...
Hi 1000Daisies! Thank you so much for your concern!😁 Don't worry about missing my post. I can't even notice threads with my name in the title... Surgery went well. And recovery is going well too....
Oh, and you said 1000daisies had a post flagged for me? Is this a post I need to see? Sorry, I'm a bit ignorant to a lot of these functions on here. :)...
Thank you WBF! This has been quite the ride. But God has a plan. Surgery went well and recovery is going well. I'll see how much of my motor function I get back by 3 to 6 six months. Hopefully a lot...
Thank you Girlie! I am well. I'm 12 days out of surgery and am seeing improvements in my gait. I am still doing bvt as I did test positive for lyme plus when all this started I had other symptoms...
Lymie24 - How are you doing with BVT? I remember you saying you were prepared to start a few weeks back....
How are you getting along RC...
How is your gut? Getting outside in the sunshine at least 15 minutes a day of direct morning sun and some light exercise while you're out there will do wonders....
Most everyone has some level of leaky gut. The worse it gets the more bad stuff gets through the gut wall that will cause inflammation, among other things. On the same note, the worse it gets the...
Just before being diagnosed early 2017 my D levels were at 16. With treatment, sunshine, fixing gut, and taking 10000 IU D3 per day for about a year I got my levels into the 70s. I now take 5000 IU...
Hi RC! I'm sorry it took so long to respond. First off, thank you so much for your message. I am so happy to have had the pleasure of hearing of your successes using BVT. On the other hand, I am...
Everybody's body is definitely different. In some I believe the abx make one sicker allowing fungus and parasites to overgrow while damaging the microbiome. But in others it looks to do well. It's...
How are you coming along Rainy cloud?...
It depends on the insect for me. Had it been spiders that were the cure, i may have passed. Anyhow, i found a thread from a couple years back from a poster named Revive. Her posts were very...
You didn't serve in the first Gulf War by any chance did you?[/quote] No. Luckily missed that one....
[code] I understand. You are more than welcome to join Ellie's fb group and read the success stories. It may actually sway you into the bvt direction. The community is very friendly and will address...