Thanks everyone! I was thinking IgeneX since that is the one I am more familiar with. Symptoms that have me wondering about possible Lyme become apparent about three weeks ago. If I think back, I can...
I am still deciding whether to test for Lyme (and if so when the best time would be) and my question is, when you decided to test, how did you choose which test(s) to run - e.g.Western Blot only,...
So, bluelyme, it sounds like you have had a lot of success with muscle testing? If it is like you said, basically a measure in time, would there be a high risk of false negatives?...
Thanks for the info mudshark.....sounds like it was a good exoerience overall, though unfortunately did not lead to the right treatment. I am glad you are doung much better and are on the road to...
Interesting 1000Daisies. I wonder if the "yes lyme / no lyme" confusing results is because lyme can have false negatives even with blood tests? That was something I wondered about...could muscle...
Thanks everyone for the replies! It has been a really long time since I did muscle testing at you recall how your practitioner used when doing the testing? I thought the little vials they...
Has anyone ever done muscle testing / Applied Kinesiology as a way to test for Lyme or coinfection? If so, how accurate were the results?...
Girlie, can you PM me your email info....never mind I just found it. Email sent. :)...
Just to add....we have all been really tired and complaining of sore (not upset) stomachs. My daughter has been saying she doesn't want to go to school because she is tired, her stomach hurts and...
Thank you everyone. Yes, unbelievable kids have trouble getting treated....yes let's wait until the issue becomes chronic amd then they can handle all the meds to treat it. (Shake my head.)...
Thanks for the replies! I would love to test both of us but the cost is so high...especially at the risk of false negatives (and positives). I just called the LLMD to see about an appointment and...
Hi Everyone, New here and have a bunch of concerns and questions and need help figuring out where to start. Sorry for the long post, but I am wondering if I have Lyme or a coinfection of Lyme….. My...