Damn r.i.p...
Do you know what the usual dosing is? Is it normally pulsed?...
Does Buhner still recommend taking it for 30 continuous days? I’d be worried about that now if it is somewhat toxic...
Yeah this actually helps a lot thanks I’ve been treating babesia with zith and malarone and it didn’t do much but I tried artemisinin not too long ago and felt immediately relief from anxiety and...
I haven’t been up to date on what the newest recommendation of the herb is for babesia. But it seemed like the consensus switched back and forth quite a bit over the last years but I had a few...
Hey lapis, im curious about the osr product you mentioned? Does it chelate other heavy metals too? Mark- curious what dose of ala you're at? Have you noticed any impovements or changes in your bart...
Round4- my mold symptoms are brain fog " being a blonde" dumb moments. Very moody where i dont want anything to do with anyone. Losing the stamina where sweeping or doing dishes is kinda exhausting...
A lot of mold symptoms increased for me. I was exhausted and moody. Getting out the mycotoxins also apparently helped my liver besuse i had some greem stool from bile being released. Getting my liver...
My cousin had severe constipation and found she was celiac. Went away after giving up gluten....
Girlie- for me , i was so fatigued. I mean not like normal fatigue like i had energy but no motivation or stamina for much. Then i had a lot of deficiencys in nutrients. When i take a supplement with...
Just have a question that i see never gets addressed. Its known that mold exposure can cause the gut lining to become permeable, but is it established or have any of you expereienced your guts...
Hey charlie have you ever heard of andrew webber and distilled water? This is off topic but if you haven't, i feel like this is something that might interest you. Or just google distilled water cover...
No i dont think i have lyme. But as far as i know i have bartonella. I grew up with a lot of pets with fleas, but i think after a stressful point in my life is when it became undormant. I havent had...
Hey girlie- no ive never been tested, just came acrossed some info and thought if it could apply to lyme just out if curiosity. Saraeli- have you been exposed to mold? Thats what im focusing on at...
Has anyone ever heard of the provocation test? I heard it from dr neil nathan who is big on treating mold, but hes also exploring the lyme realm. He was wondering if like mold or any other type of...
If that were true about chlorine in distilled water, wouldnt using it for batteries and machines not work?...
Thanks everyone. Im taking takesumi supreme, its a bamboo charcoal recommended by some pretty good doctors versed in cirs. But, like Zimics, i feel really bad like spacey and dumb after i take it. I...
Thank you for the replies. Sandyfeet and Lapis, do you recommend any other natural binders? Is there a good brand or place online i can get chlorophyll? Do you think chlorophyll is the best natural...
Hey everybody, i am currently dealing with multiple issues, with past mold exposure i feel being most predominant. The houseci grew up in was infested with black mold, and no matter how many times we...
Do powders thicken when you add them to water? Or do they dissolve?...
Could you mix both powders and tinctures? Are the herbs dissolved in the water or do they create like a thick like texture?...
Do you think powdered herbs are just as effective as the tinctures?...
Okay girlie thanks I thought I saw that somewhere on these forums awhile ago. Okay thanks wbf your doing buhner's bartonella protocol too am I right? I'm taking iha , Japanese knotweed, sida acuta. I...
For those that are taking iha and are on his protocol, do you have to cycle iha. For example, 3 weeks on and 1 week off? If you do, when your off do you replace with just houttuynia?...
Sorry, it's a little difficult typing on my phone but it was supposed to say if the one pound powdered herbs can last me a decent amount of time, I would think about doing them over the tinctures....
Anyone try them and have good success? Planning on getting them from 1st Chinese herbs. They seem pretty expensive for 1 pound but if they can last a good amount of time and they are effective I...
Do you think your gonna add it back once you can? Where are you getting your powders from?...
Okay thanks Gerdy. Hey sandyfeet, was there a reliable company you trusted for the powdered herbs?...
I get intrusive thought also. It's kind of like depression and I reminice on the past too much. Could you address my other part of the question? Thank you man👍...
Sounds like some good progress though! So are you just gonna stick with the current herbs or add back in the Hawthorne? Do you think the Hawthorne or other additional herbs are essential to the...
Also, is 20 drops your full dosing for sida acuta and are the powders just as effective as the tinctures from your experience?...
Hey, I got the same exact symptoms when I was herxing. I was able to detox through them though without dropping down in dosage. How come you aren't taking any additional herbs? Hawthorn, red root, or...
It's alright Sandy feet. The fact that your trying to help means a lot. You also gave me some good info on the teas and herbalists. I will definitely check both out....
Yeah I am because alchohol stimulates me too much. Are capsules an effective replacement?...
Someone recommended this to me....
Yeah my digestion was slow before and now it seems to be a little better. Some of the bart herbs do promote better digestion so I think it's that and not the effect from the herbs hitting the Bart....
Hey everyone a few questions. If I were to make my own tinctures, would I still have to use alchohol? Is making your own tinctures still effective? Would not using alchohol be non effective? Can...
Oh okay do you know what the connection is with caplsules and stomach acid?...
He only recommends one capsuled herb in his protocol though which is Japanese knotweed. How come he recommends tinctures over capsules do you know? Convenience?...
I've had this inner tension and it just seems like I'm so stressed and inflammated. Anyone who has bartonella suspects these things could be from the infection?...
I just don't want to stimulate my adrenals. Are capsules a viable option if I got each recommended herb for Bart in capsule form?...
Btw are the dosages for Stephen buhner's protocols meant for a general body type? Like if your kind of big, 6'3 220, does it make sense to have the thought of needing more than the recommended? I...
Hey is there a reliable company that uses a alcholic free solution in their herbal tinctures that you'd recommend? I know a few companies, but how many of them are trusted to deliver quality herbs?...
Hey everyone. Im in a state of exhaustion. It started out weaning off a stimulating medication. Then I made everything worse by exhausting myself more by working out or running. Everytime I start to...
Hey so I got another question. I know lyme causes indigestion and other GI problems. Does bartonella do the same? More specifically could it cause malabsorbtion of essential nutrients? I swear since...
Thinking of buying burbur. Is in anyway a stimulant? Does it contain stimulating properties?...
Okay thanks. I'm not sure what buhner's full doses are cause I haven't read his book. Could you give me a general outline of your dosing and herbs? I would really appreciate it....
Is there another provider for tinctures besides woodland essence that is trusted and maybe better with pricing?...
Yeah I figured that. Woodland essence herbs 1 oz tinctures are probably not gonna last long if I'm doing full dosages....