Does anyone take A-L Complex? What is it mainly for? What else do you take beside this?...
My test came back positive for Lyme as well as possible Mold issues. Confused?...
Haven't seen my Dr. yet go back next week. Just wondering what the next will be. Seems I've had this a long time....
yes I went to my first visit and got these testing but he out on vacation so was just trying get a heads up. Thanks...
ImmunoBlot IgM 23 - 31 - 39 - 41 + 93 - IGX - negative CDC/ NYS - Negative ImmunoBlot IgG 18 - 23 + 28 - 30 - 31 ++ 34 - 39 - 41 Ind 45 - 58 Ind 66 - 93 - IGX - positive CDC/NYS - negative My CD 8/CD...
I just got back my test results Lyme Immunblot IgM and IgG and my dr is out of town for the week. Can anyone help explain them to me Wendy...
How do you find a LLMD in your area?...
I was looking on the IgeneX Website and trying find out what testing I need done to see if I have Lyme. Could someone help me. Pricing are high so looking for best deal Thanks...
Has anyone heard of IgeneX? What type of testing is needed done to see if I have Lyme. Is this a good company Thanks...
Looking for a LLMD in my area (West Virginia)....