Girlie, I definitely did better when I took 2 weeks of the doxy, though my improvement began to become stagnant after the first 5 or so days. And the fact that the post nasal drip I've had through...
FINALLY got my IGeneX report back. Shows everything negative with borderline result for Babesia. A lot of my symptoms match with Babesia (post nasal drip, low blood pressure, pain and some GI issues)...
Dahlias, That's great to know! I'll look into VSL powder, I used to take the pills when I was younger and dealing with different gut issues. Here's the timeline of it getting worse recently it's a...
Hello Dahlias thank you for the response. I can't swallow pills as whatever this is has affected my ability to swallow properly and I inhale any pills I try to take. As a result I've just been eating...
Please I know this is long but if you can give me a chance and read through I am so desperate for help. I've been suffering from a feeling of liquid underneath my skin that constantly feels like its...