I can't answer your question accurately, but I will say, in general, I am much more skeptical about pricey supplement brands now than I used to be. I've never taken an extremely expensive supplement...
Lyme/Co-infections definitely mess with us psychologically. I've read the research about the increased risk of psychosis, homicide, suicide etc. I've experienced the irritability, anger, rage brought...
The guy seems like a reasonably intelligent curious person who reads about what is affecting him. I saw all the Reddit posts when they were first released but can't find them now. He mentions Lyme in...
Hey Bhava123, You've already received great advice here. I'm dealing with the same brain/CNS inflammation constantly. It sucks so bad. It's debilitating for me. I have found vagus nerve strategies...
Astro, I can't really comment too deeply on dementia. I'm not very knowledgeable in it. I'm sure you know way more than me. Other than seeing a doctor who can specialize in that realm I would just...
I was considering just buying the CSA combo tincture through somewhere like Sagewomanherbs vs. making individual tinctures My only concern is I'm not sure if combo tinctures like that are strong...
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm aiming this question at Garzie but anyone can answer it. When tincture making are y'all simply following Buhner's instructions concerning strength and dosage?...
For making tinctures...
I saw Rachel when I was going to JSC. She was great. She is easily one of the best clinicians I have ever seen in any healthcare setting. Kind and knowledgeable all rolled up into one. I'm glad to...
thanks trkane for the confirmation such a strange thing - perhaps he feels its no-one else's business but his own - which i can kind of understand - but it seems such a miscalculation - as the lack...
Was an explanation ever given as to why all the practitioners left?...
Their website says they are open to appointments. On their "team" page the only practitioner listed is Dr. Jemsek....
My wife's enitre family lives in the Tri-cities area in both the Tennessee and western North Carolina side. I've been up there a ton in my life. The devastation is crazy. Thinking about all you who...
I agree with you totally. Like yourself, I've been sick for so long that this is my normal. Based on my symptom history and current condition I never expect to be as well as I was before I got sick...
Thanks for the thought. Instead of making a new thread I'll post here some interesting developments in my own situation. I messaged my doctor last Monday describing how bad my symptoms were and the...
No, I am in the States....
That's good info. Thanks Garzie...
Anybody knowledgeable about Methlyene Blue and the difference in between safety, efficacy, or otherwise between capsules through a compounding pharmacy and what you can buy through Amazon? I know the...
I had bad bad insomnia related to the same issues you are talking about. Klonopin does the trick, but you don't really want to be on benzos long term if you can help it. Lyrica (generic Pregabalin)...
Under their "Pricing" tab if you click "Labs and Supplements" it lists Beyond Balance, DesBio, and it talks about Fullscript. This likely means that they are going to treat you with Beyond Balance's...
being aggravated by walking is a pretty good indicator is something like bulging disc impinging on a nerve what complicates things is that lyme etc all tend to exacerbate any pre-existing weakness...
I usually only get numbness in my right leg. I get sciatica like pain running down the back of my leg and my foot will start to feel numb especially if I walk any relatively long distance....
Hey Bhava123, I have been following and conversing with you on your Dapsone thread. It's probably a good call not to take that drug on your own. I think Horowitz's Dapsone protocol shows much...
I have been on DSF for 6 months total only two months at target dose. I was unwell before I even started the DSF. I did oral abx thorugh Jemsek from about April 2022 to May 2023. After May 2023 I...
Yes, definitely try the IV abx. My LLMD recommended IV abx for the hardest cases including those didn’t treat the infections early on. He recommended IV abx for me because I had the infections for...
Is it worth it to try IV abx after almost a decade of illness? My symptoms are heavily neurological and they are out of control. Quality of life is in the tank recently. I'm not able to really...
https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/9/2301 Scroll down to bottom of the paper until you find the "Supplementary Materials" section. Click that link and open the PDF document and read the text after...
His paper states that: "25 out of 25 patients (100%) had improvement in their tick-borne symptoms. Of 23 patients who completed a full 8-week course of DDDCT prior to one or several courses of...
In Horowitz's latest paper, which is an observational study of 25, 22 patients were able to finish treatment. One dropped out due to severe herx. One dropped out due to gastroentrentis. One dropped...
heyo, thanks for the post. Yep, I had considered that the Pectasol caused my body to try to excrete too many heavy metals at once. I have had heavy metal testing done and all my levels were normal....
That's awesome. Now I am personally extremely curious how the treatment goes for you. Good luck and come back and update us afterwards....
Wow! Small world! I think in the past we've talked here and you've seen the doctor I am currently using. That makes me curious if you are doing these exosomes through Dr. Kalb? That is who told me...
It's funny you bring up exosomes. I had an appt last week with my doctor and he suggested exosomes as an option. The company is VittiLabs. Have you heard of them? Which company are you using?...
I don't know if I'd agree that most people have been exposed to Lyme. "Most" in this case meaning > %50, but I do agree that many more have been exposed than the average person probably thinks. I'm...
I messaged Tlab's customer support about prices and received this response: "Thank you for your interest in TLab test offerings. Provided below is a list of our current test offerings and prices as...
It could be a "detox" reaction or perhaps consider a sulfur sensitivity....
The reason I'm considering it for myself is because I've been sick for so long it would be nice to have current lab evidence of infection before I did something dramatic and aggressive such as...
Thanks Garzie I've never done a test with a direct detection method. My doctor brought up Tlabs. I wouldn't mind testing with them to see if they can detect the pathogen's RNA signature. I haven't...
Has anybody used Tlab to test for borrelia, bartonella, or babesia? What are the cost of the tests? They use a method of direct detection vs indirect detection (antibodies). I'm wondering about the...
I'm taking PHGG right now. I was tolerating that well. I've tried upping my fiber over time. This has seemed to help some gut symptoms and form of poop, but other gut issues such as sensitivities,...
I want to emphasize I"m not a doctor so please don't take my word inerrant. I must apologize because I missed in your original post where you said you had no symptoms. So your timeline is bullseye...
Since your case is acute I'd find a knowledgeable doctor that will continue with antibiotics. It may take longer than one month of Doxy for you. One month is not a hard cap on Doxy. For some it...
Personally, I'd go to a LLMD if I'm paying out of pocket prices. The specialty Lyme labs charge an absurd amount for their tests IMO. Getting thorough testing for Lyme and co-infections through...
Interesting! I'd agree things that can change gut composition can induce symptoms. One of the reasons I'm taking MCP is it's apparent ability to help dysbiosis/heal loose junctions in leaky gut per...
Sorry, I think I can of wrote the math in my previous post weird. I meant 40 sessions minimum overall. Sessions performed 5 times a week. So five sessions weekly for eight weeks. I've considered...
EBOO is invasive in the sense that two IVs are started on both arms. It's like Ozone dialysis. Blood goes out one arm, goes through a filter, is ozonated, and returned to other arm. Personally, it...
Recently, I bought Pectasol from Econugenics based on presentations at the recent LymeSummit talks. I was convinced by a presentation on Modified Citrus Pectin and it's benefits and how that could be...
"in his defence - all of the well recognised LLMD's are getting on in years now - and sudden ill health could grip any one of them - in such cases i think the interruption of patient care would be...
I'm a skeptical person seemingly by nature and I share your feelings. On one hand, I am happy that Dr. J looks happy healthy and is going to practice again. Rumors of his demise apparently were...
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=4234762 Here's my experience with double dapsone back in 2021. Horowitx has since updated his protocols based on his clinical experience....