Thank you! That’s good info! Yes. CIRS can occur from current or past exposure. CIRS doctors have patients do the ERMI or HERTSMI-2 test from Mycometrics lab. That’s the only type of mold testing...
Thank you for all the info! I’m excited to be apart of the community! What is the difference between LLMD and ILADS? How do I contact you? ...
I don’t think so. He has had these symptoms for 5 years and he moves probably every year and it hasn’t got better. Could he still suffer from mold exposure if he doesn’t live in a house with mold? ...
Hello! I’m new here! My fiancé just got diagnosed with Lyme disease about 3 months ago. He’s had it for about 5 years and didn’t know it. He has basically been eating a paleo diet and he has been...
Hey! Does anybody know of an ILADS Dr. in Orlando FL. My Fiancé has Lyme disease and is about to go on disability. He is on an herb treatment and detox from his dr. Not sure if he is a part of ILADS....