2nd video is his blood smear : here unless one is a md , pa or nurse practioner they cannot legally confirm ,diagnose, treat or any disease . All we can do as patients is use info to deduce and...
this aint reading teas leaves Garzie .its 1st year pathology 101. compare and contrast and do your own smears and stains and then one can say with some certainty. anything else is hearsay and...
that is what we in the microscopy group on lymenet flash call a "medusa" head . its an infected rbc with them "hatching" out . leave the smear under the light and rbcs will degrade on edges and stuff...
it may just be magnesium deficiency. let some mag oil dry on it overnight. when it was bad i used a pain cream made of keto, lido and gaba compounded would relax it enough to get back in place. i...
well i used herbs and bee venom mostly... try some andrographis and/or allicin from zhang hits the myco/bart purdy good but u need 2 modalities to get thru its double cell wall......
when i would bath in magnesium oil or get by iv my chest pain was relieved. it can be scary but some of it is actually soft tissue in ribs and breastbone chostcondritis or something... get ekg and...
zith is good when it builds up over time can keep bart from reproducing . i heard clarithomycin stops the bone pain . for me i did a year of iv rocephin and 5 yrs bee venom. try andrographis if you...
if abx is not your route maybe look into bee venom therapy (its 3 x stronger then 3 abx put together and doesn't disrupt gut ) and/or stronger herbs like andrographis and allicin...i believe plasma...
i disagree with some of what garzie said . mustardseed posted a thread here on how easy microscopy is and how easy it is to see the pathogens . the swiss doc in under our skin used a 100 yr old...
autoimmune and sjorgrens point to intercellular infections . low circulation to extremities also points to the claudation that bartonella creates. mycoplasma and bart are both known to affect bone...
yes i would try nebulizing some fine coloidial silver and minute amounts of eo's....keep us posted on your iv journey as you it may help for posterity ......
i was gifted a tiny non med o3 machine and have tried for sinus but it drys and is caustic . one should not inhale it into lungs i was told .and wet nose with qtip. they sell ones for water and...
ha ha on vacay now ...i used to need to nibble zanax but now a few holy basils for calm does it . for energy i have been using ginseng and nibbles of mormon tea. for low bp i chew raw licorice sticks...
i did ivs 3x a week when i was trying to halt the nerve damage and consequently the wasting. my low bp and squishy veins made for a lot of scar tissue very quickly (2months of arm trauma) so my llnp...
mold is a real doozy. if food is a trigger look into extensive parasite cleanse and intestinal perforation healing...
i would use cd mouth wash (closys) and propolis to inhibit growth overnight... nystatin is only fungalstatic you may have to run a few weeks of diflucan at med high dose to knock it back . plasma...
for me sparga and biotoxin binder are pretty effective. i also would eat lots of chlorella . when that wasn't enough i would take a warm bentonite bath...
i would put francenscence oil then let bentonite clay pack dry on it see if it responds to anti inflammatorys , use dmso to drive essential oils deeper into tissues...or buy a tube of bee venom creme...
try magnesium oil topically if you cant get iv magnesium... some of the racing was electrolyte disregulation . some was nerve health surrounded the branch bundles of the heart . hope you get some...
i had a buddy of a buddy use lowdose mino for years with diet to get rid of arthritis. dr wahls used something similar... probably as good as any chances.... u can add anti spirocheteal herbs like...
alan mcdonalds work is irrefutable. 9/10 alz brains have spirochete plaques ! https://spirodementia.wordpress.com/...
allicin is a small enough particle to pass bbb . i heard even minocycline is too big . but often we focus on killing rather that rebuilding the damage that they caused . have you looked into patricia...
maybe step up to propolis , oil of oregano and even bee venom before vanco. i made a germicidal light once from threads here using fiber optic cable and germicidal bulb work for my gums ...keep us...
check out videos from dr nordquist on utoob. i think the one the now correlate to heart disease is also a spirochete called treponema denticola . many dogs and their owners have this . in the videos...
may be just circulation to lower extremities? have you tried horse chestnut? maybe its just oxalates or gluten ? idk it's probably bart . bart is one persistent sob gram neg double cell wall bugger !...
self sabatoge is a real doozie . chalk it up to the process... stuff happens in its own timing and not a second sooner . im in the middle of jacking up a 3 rd chance with a love of my life so i can...
imho most sibo is gram negative and candida overgrowth . that rifabutin may work . the naturals i found were mainly allicin and oil of oregano. i had to take a medical grade pbx of 900billion also...
he is probably trying to do a provocation of sorts . the herbs really shouldn't affect test much . is stool test? i had a absolute borrelia test come up positive after bw tinctures - they are strong...
you may be a good candidate for bvt . it immediately stopped the debilitating bone pain for me . i too was bedridden and now have some sort of life . sorry for your many years of misdiagnosis...
ya if it smells bad it may be dieoff . people use binders like charcoal and chlorella to mop up extreme toxins . and make sure to keep it moving with magnesium or gentle laxative. keep us posted...
ahh no krebs cycle - thanks garzie "Because of the lack of nuclei and mitochondria, mature red blood cells are incapable of generating energy via the (oxidative) Krebs cycle. Instead, erythrocytes...
all three even cancer ... when the rbcs dont have enough mitochondrial charge to repel each other they stick instead usually means they're parasitized or mutating . did you leave lamp on and wait for...
i believe some of my vertigo was ammonia buildup and pots like garzie said but some was actual damage to the nerves on the inner ear that sense orientation ; during bart treatment i also put silver...
its usually the start of the magnesium deficiency but can be scary. most infected persons have a branch bundle block on the nerves of the heart probably caused from the constriction of the...
my light sensitivity and ocular headaches went away after tx . i like robert sapolksy explanations here is one of his interviews, his lectures are amazing as well. https://youtu.be/m3x3TMdkGdQ...
that is the c-19 dosing from dr c ...babesia needs to be treated for at least 120 days as infected cells reach apotopsis. usually treated with artminsin or other anti malarials . alinia is effective...
drs up north are doing 12-18 mg per day for 6-8 weeks for long haulers . energy usually comes back after 3 or 4 but must keep on it .......
the braces are pretty cool if you dont plan to get repaired... i tore out my rt acl at 14 and missed it somewhat . you're pretty lucky your only went out once if i do strenuous lifting it'll buckle...
welcome deadro ; what is the cause of your pain? do you have bartonella arthritis ? anyway , one can purchase a true plasma rife as an agricultural device for clearing mold . even handheld contact...
get better soon girlie ! dr k says licorice and methlyne blue are effective antivirals...keep us posted...
yeah i was iv zith and rocephin it was challenging to say the least . good news its mostly gram neg overgrowth and candida that get outta hand as long as one doesn't have protozoal or helminith...
bartonella is very much intercellular. its double cell wall required two herbs or meds to be effective. maybe switch it up chug a dropper of byron white abart or try zhang allicin and hh2 is a potent...
i had posted in my signature but took it down with last administration. in 2017 i kinda went the kitchen sink route after a mild sjs episode with bactrim for an ear infection. this began quite a...
i second what wbf said . you may want to try a couple rounds of ivermectin . i knew a few people that had to do 6-8 weeks to make sure it didnt resurge or disable immune system again. also alinia is...
better health guy had full body burning neuropathy . it took a lot of steps and time for my own nerves to heal. first remove pathogenic insult to nerves , 2) supply necessary minerals for...
in my experience no cell is safe from borrelia, it can drill anywhere , anytime. u can get better results with a 100x oil just amp ur light up and dont use cover slip . also u can leave lamp on on...
some of my best gains(herxes) were when one practioner would mix high dose silver in my MAH injections . i did a fair amount of oral and never turned bluer than i normally am. biofilm approach is...
fwiw my eye pain and floaters and extreme photo sensitivity went away with treatment of toxoplasmosis and bartonella....
oh you mean thrombocytopenia....it was low platelets from bart in the marrow for me . do you bruise easily or have reynauds or livedo? any claudation that would point you to biofilms ? i used lumbro...
when i was a teen i tore my acl and didnt get it repaired. it was rather painful and disheartening to any sports dreams i may have held . so my mother took me to a old tcm doc in a stripmall...