My labs use ng/mL measurement. Your other link on sunlight is good info - I had to back way off the vitD supplements after moving to south FL last year due to much higher sun exposure on a daily...
My LLMD wanted to see measurements consistently around 80. I recall my initial results were in the low 30s after diagnosis....
Thanks for replies, I am by no means recovered fully, but on the same path as many here. I certainly agree that others achieve remission and resume where they left off, but I suspect they made...
It has been around six months since my initial post and I wanted to update the thread to say thank you. The responses to my post and wealth of information on this site helped me to focus, stop...
Thank you all for the replies, I really appreciate it. I now have a list of homework and will get on it! I did not ask before, but am sure many of you have spouses and kids - do I need to segregate...
All: I was bitten about a month ago by a blacklegged deer tick, I found him, just not fast enough. Symptoms showed gradually, no crazy fever, just a couple headaches and some off balance/fog. Within...