Everything was igg. I didn’t have any igm....
Thanks for being positive! That’s what I’m thinking! Maybe they will all fall together! Lol...
Yes I don’t mind to share. I’m unsure how to unload it. I can send it in email?...
It is by pcr. I am terrified y’all! Like can’t breathe! I wish I wouldn’t have gotten tested now 😭...
Gosh I hope you’re right! I’m terrified! Like 1-3 I could handle but 9!!! I feel like giving up and not even trying at this point...
Same here! I am praying this doesn’t hurt me.... so so scared...
So I just got my vibrant test back and I have 9 different species of Lyme! How in the world can that happen? Does anyone else have that many? I’m scared!! Also had anaplasmosis too. And probably Bart...
Hey Dave, Would you email me, I’d like to chat about things. Cbowman610@gmail.com I’m newly diagnosed and pretty terrified....
Thank you for your input. Can you tell me how long you’ve had Lyme? Also, has Anne got you better some?...
Hi! I am making an appointment with AW next week. How has she been for you?...
Thank you all I need all the success stories I can get. This is so terrifying...
Glad to hear! What did you take? I’m so scared...
Newly diagnosed and feel like this is a death sentence.... no cure, most treatments don’t help, meds don’t help symptoms? It’s literally making me fall into a deep dark hole! Please tell me there is...
Hi. Got bit a year and half ago. Starting treatment soon. Picc line for 10 weeks. 1 antibiotic. I have read things about needing a bio buster? Should I add in some herbs to help that? Or should I...
Can someone email me and tell me who dr H is? Cbowman610@gmail.com...
Is it any good?...
Are you in remission? What abx and how long?...
For those seeing AW, how are you doing? She’s close to me so I’ve been thinking about seeing her....