Thank you again Garzie and Bhava for your thoughtful replies, I appreciate your knowledge very much. I am now understanding why many practitioners don't use this protocol, many variables are at play...
Thank you for these helpful replies! Bhava, when you developed anemia did you have to stop it for good? Was it helpful for you, are you in remission? Read it has about a 60% success rate. Not...
Has anyone taken Dapsone that wasn't having many symptoms? If so, how did it go? My llmd is encouraging me to try the Dapsone protocol even though I'm pretty much symptom free and haven't taken...
Saraeli, Brilliant! Such a great idea, thank you. Its amazing how these thoughts and ideas escape you when you are making these decisions. Two encasements might do the trick. Certainly going to see...
Thank you WalkingbyFaith, this is a great idea. Yes mold was in our HVAC and behind many walls, attic, basement etc.. , it was a very large remediation. Surprisingly, and fortunately, we had no...
Hello, for those that have been through a mold remediation, did you try keeping any mattresses? We have a mattress that was 2 years old that was always under a waterproof cover and then a mattress...
I have an appointment next month and I will certainly ask but figured someone here might have the inside track....
The Dr. H in NY, are they retiring soon? The building is for sale... I only see them once or twice a year, just wondering if anyone has heard anything. Thanks!...
I understand how you feel, it is overwhelming, and yes, so difficult to find a mold free space. Our house is being remediated and we are living in a rental and it is much worse than our home was. The...
Cannot wait! Woo hoo!...
Thank you Walkingbyfaith! Tudca, I was just looking at that, thanks for reminding me to get that into the supplement mix. Phosphatidylcholine has been a huge help for me. Yes, my son lives at home...
Good morning, I have elevated mycotoxins and we had our house remediated for mold in the fall, successful in living spaces, still doing some hepa vacuuming etc in basement to get Hertsmi under a 10...
Great question, hopefully more reply with their success stories. A friend asked me about this protocol recently for her son; I am not versed in this treatment at all. Is this the go-to now over...
Yes, this is a thing, it happened to me, I literally had full thyroid panels run 6 times this past year for thyroid numbers that went off the rails out of nowhere, we realized it was the quercetin...
Mask up and stay away from your mom as despite her vaccines and booster she can easily get it. Mega dose vitamin d and then ongoing, vitamin c around the clock, zinc, and zinc lozenges around the...
I take it every day in capsule form because I feel like it helps with MCAS. I was happily surprised when I was on the flccc page this fall and saw it had been added to the protocol!...
As far as your parents house, if air testing alone was performed it might be worth performing a hertsmi test to be more thorough. We had air testing and tape lifts done several years ago that came...
I recently had an elevated mycotoxin test too, I was pretty shocked as well, I understand how you feel. Another imbalance to treat, it gets to be sooo much! And then the searching for the mold in...
My sister used Dr. Stram in New York, excellent!...
Air testing doesn't seem all that reliable. Air testing of my basement showed close to nothing but Hertsmi indicated problems. Wondering how long after a remediation to re-test, again I have heard 4...
The only visible mold in the entire house (we literally cut it apart looking for it) was in the dirt of a small crawl space which was removed and covered with a vapor barrier, and in one small AC...
How long after a remediation should a new Hertsmi test be run? I think Mycometrics recommends 4-6 weeks but other mold "experts" say 3 months is better as too soon will give a falsely high results as...
Has anyone used Healthy Homes Capital Region in upstate NY for their mold remediation? They serve a fairly broad radius around the Albany area so figured I'd ask. Wondering if their whole house...
We love our Molekules and their customer service is incredible. One of our mini's began malfunctioning recently and they immediately sent us a new one at no cost. We have Airdoctor's in our basement...
Has anyone's doc mentioned if IVM alters gut microbiota as antibiotics do? Thank you!...
Sadly Potsnpans there has been quite a bit of research and it all gets ignored; if a treatment existed, by law, vaccines would not have been allowed to be made....
Ivermectin all the way! So unfortunate our governing health bodies won't recommend Ivermectin. The pandemic has been so needless, a total money grab. Very disconcerting......
Novavax is the only vaccine I will consider but not sure if it will make it to the United States as there isn't a need. Hopefully it does! I read somewhere that it might end up being a combination...
Very low TSH and low t3. I was in the normal range for so long and now these test results, tested twice to make sure they weren't incorrect. Any thoughts? Thank you!...
So glad that carnivore has helped you so much! Sounds like Infusio didn't get you back to balanced health but your post didn't open up, just going by your flare up. I have been eating mostly chicken...
Air sampling is apparently quite unreliable. Its unfortunate that it is considered "the gold standard" as I believe it misses a lot due to spores being settled on objects and not stirred up in the...
Thank you so much Girlie, i appreciate the feedback. Whenever I am on antibiotics its usually several at once so for just Doxy I hope to give people a helpful response when they ask. Thank you! So...
Hello, sadly, so many people have come to me in recent weeks for probiotic recommendations for their bullseye rash, tick bite, or early lyme situations, when put on the usual 30 day dose of Doxy by...
It hasn't gone away for me....
The antibody tests are not the full picture as B cells hold the memory to the virus. Antibody tests do not test B cell memory. The theory now is that b cells could provide longterm immunity....
I am an on/off DNRS-er. Life gets in the way. But when I do it, it definitely helps with feeling calmer and happier. An hour a day brings about change pretty quickly, in a few days. Doing less each...
I might consider Novavax when it becomes available. Unfortunately I don't think it will be available until the summer. Its not a gene therapy. My llmd, one of the best, says his lyme patients are...
Saraeli, thank you, you are a wealth of knowledge, I appreciate your post. So great that your llmd recommended someone for you and followed up, fantastic....
Saraeli, Did you find your mold remediator online or through a physician? It seems remediation companies all use such different practices. Not sure where to start.... I know a chain company called...
It helps stabilize mast cells in the GI tract and beyond so I am sure it will help. Start with a very low dose though, literally a drop or two. I started with more and had a horrible mast cell...
I take it and it has been a lifesaver....
You could look into fogging your home with a product such as EC3 until you can move. The website for EC3, is very helpful, they sell laundry detergent, etc... which...
Mpost, this is great to hear, I am glad it went well for you! Do you have MCAS? Saraeli, I hope you are feeling good post-vaccine. I am sure you are glad to have it behind you....
Saraeli, good for you, sending you healthy vibes. Keep us posted on things! DCD, thank you for sharing the poll, it is very helpful, I appreciate it. SC Gal I am glad that you are good and handled it...
DMW52 I react to so many things too, definitely not stable which makes it hard to know what to do. It can take so long to get back to an improved baseline after a bad flare up. I am leaning towards...
If you have MCAS and you've gotten the covid vaccine I'd love to hear how it went. I know clinical trials just began on mast cell patients as so many were having bad reactions. Its a tough call on...
dcd2103, that is so great to hear, thanks for sharing!...
Saraeli, I cannot thank you enough for this information, sounds like a winner. I am definitely going to look into this practice. Thank you again!...
Thanks Girlie, he is a great llmd and all around functional medicine doc, no doubt! I already see a llmd in NY state, have been with him for many years and they have helped with mcas but obviously...
Thank you dcd, I really appreciate your reply. I will look into him, interesting that he is a neurologist... Thank you again!...