I thought it might be helpful to mention intensity and frequency, the two most important technical details of any PEMF device. A mild setting on a PEMF device with a maximum 12000 Gauss such as the...
Go to you tube and use their website search for "Alex Fergus". His reviews can be helpful but most helpful is his information testing the power (mW/cm2) of red LED lights on the market with a...
My question now is how do they know that the farmers and golf course landscapers do not have grass pollen allergies? I do not see that there is a big difference in symptoms. It seems like there could...
Now I understand. It is a grass pollen allergy. You are allergic to pollens in grass. I am sorry that must be awful and very restrictive. The mowers come weekly throughout the spring summer. I have...
Thank you for replying. I feel desperate. You are allergic to grass? Is it only cut grass or do you have to stay on sidewalks, etc, completely off of grass? I have never had a problem with grass and...
I am posting this on the Lyme forum as well as here, hoping to find someone who has connected an allergic reaction to pesticide/fungicide/herbicide applications by the landscape company servicing...
One of the photos in the book Bitten, written by Kris Newby, answered a lot of questions for me. Wish I could post the photo but the caption underneath will have to do: "Force-feeding ticks with...
Predominance of antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccine breakthrough cases from the San Francisco Bay Area, California Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35013591/ This study suggests...
Thank You! This was exactly my concern....
All Day Chemists no longer offers niclosamide. There is a company selling only Niclosamide, started in 2020 "https://www.niclosam.com/" and it claims serious 3rd party testing, purity, etc., but I...
What just happened! I hit the tab button by mistake and the forum screen disappeared and the page was filled with a design and the letters EMH. I could not return to the forum page so I pulled up a...
Did the compounding pharmacy require a prescription? On Amazon there are reviews by people taking the general lab MB, which I would rather not do. I am very curious about it....
Vaccine efficacy refers to how well the vaccine performs in a clinical trial. Vaccine efficiency refers to how well it performs outside of a clinical trial. This study would not be considered a...
(I have tried to cover all the points raised in order to clarify the study and my thoughts about it. It is not my intent to instill fear or doubt in those who have already been vaccinated.) The...
Are you surprised that the reported cases in the study show a similar number of cases for vaccinated and unvaccinated? That was the reason I thought people would be interested. It suggests that it...
If the number of breakthrough cases are comparable to the number of cases in the unvaccinated population then it is logical to question vaccination for oneself. If only the people in charge were...
I posted the following in a different place this morning and now here because it may help with the decision about vaccination. Maybe it does not matter as much as we think. Everyone is getting...
This is the first detailed large study I have found that clearly compares the vaccinated breakthroughs to unvaccinated in a given population (280 nursing homes across 21 states). Since there were...
Your post has given me courage...
Thank you. I have heard/read good things about her but thought she could not write prescriptions as a physician's assistant. I visited her website and saw guidelines for refilling prescriptions or...
I am actually thinking that I should move in order to be closer to an LLMD that is interested enough to stay up-to-date on information. There is so much research published online by established...
Blakeley's situation sounds so more serious than mine and I am so sorry she is going through this. It is a horrible affliction that cannot be understood without experiencing it. At least I did not. I...
Hi Claude783 Would you please post more information about the blue light you are using? I have been using 650 and 830 nm red led lights for a few months with positive results. As I understand it, the...
""Near-infrared is good for regeneration of deeper structures such as tendons, bones and cartilage; orthopedic and musculoskeletal problems. Red or near-infrared light at night also produces...
//////////////////////////////////////////// I think Rawls treated for lyme and then started his supplement business - so he didn’t have them formulated yet?? Also wanted to mention that DrJ doesn’t...
After reading the letter (thanks for hints and it was easy) and thinking this morning, maybe my tests results were negative (like the boy in letter) and since Dr JF was treating me for Lyme maybe...
Do many Lyme patients need narcotics for pain management? I am grateful that my pain is still manageable and just wish there was a medication that could relieve numb hands....
I have seen a doc at Robinhood recently in 2019, 2X so far, and Dr JF in Chapel Hill before him, June and August 2018, then phone consult. Neither mentioned Late Stage Lyme Disease, although my 1st...
I have been reading this thread and finding answers to ongoing questions. I am just learning of MARCoNS and need to be tested. I am putting Argentyn 23 on my Amazon List. Thank you ChickenArise for...
I am glad you mentioned Shoemaker. I had visited his website early on but did not remember his name. His site does not list anyone in NC certified according to his protocol, but there is an MD in...
Yes Girlie, I read that he is in Washington and accepting patients. I had never heard of him before but I do not take the Charlotte paper. I am out in the country with all the ticks! I am watching...
I have read all of the threads about finding an LLMD in NC and I think I have covered the territory. I do not want to bother everyone since the question has been answered. But if there are further...
Yes I think that the sinus symptoms are related to the Lyme. Maybe the Lyme just kicked in or maybe my age, late 60s, in combo with the Lyme has made me sensitive to mold, suddenly without warning....
Thank you for asking. I have felt like a walking zombie for years but I thought I was just getting old. In my family, saying you were ill was thought to be a weakness. I have beaten myself up for...
I would like to add that I think the RN was the only person on earth that knew about the bull's eye rash with a brown recluse bite. The info is there, nevertheless I have not read of one personal...
"The most common type of spider bite that gets confused with a rash caused by lyme disease is those caused by Brown Recluse Spiders." http://wellbeingdoctor.com/the-reasons-for-a-bulls-eye-rash/ If...