@garzie that makes a lot of sense. I've been deep diving into different techniques and methods the past few days. The percolation method sounds promising for creating more potent extracts (less...
@walkingbyfaith and @skinny_joe- thanks for the recommendations. I decided yesterday to stop all Buhner herbs that I started to get back to baseline and eventually introduce one by one, once all...
@skinnyjoe Interesting. Is Japanese Knotweed one that typically causes hives? Man, they just started itching for me. A month of this is not going to be fun lol. I may have to stat taking claritin as...
Hi! So I have a pretty intense hive / rash problem right now and wondering if anyone can give me some insight. Here is the back story and run down of what led up to it. Long post 1. Had been...
@Garzie another amazing reply, thank you! This all makes sense. It got me thinking, since there is virtually no funding in herbal medicine for the most part compared to pharma back research, big,...
@Girlie - thanks for the thread link. That was helpful! @Garzie - hmmm, so trying to evaporate more than one or two doses at a time is probably not the best idea. I did have another idea to decrease...
@Garzie Amazing info, I really appreciate it. I am in the US, so will need to look into alcohol sources here. It's funny that you bring up the large doses of alcohol that I would be consuming...
@potsnpans - Great to know, thank you! @rainycloud - Very interesting. It goes to show that we all have different "chemistry" that reacts to herbs differently. @Lymie24 - This makes sense. I am...
@walkingbyfaith - Thank you for the info and thanks for the welcome! @Paul B - That makes sense. This is what I was leaning towards as well. How long do you typically let your herbs soak for when...
Most experts I have listened to suggest: 1) Getting out of mold environment 2) Treating Mold/CIRS 3) Viruses/Parasites/Other Infections 4) Lyme and Co-Infections last (unless your symptom picture...
Hi, question for those that have successfully used one of the Stephen Buhner protocols or for those that have been here a while and have seen other people discuss their experiences. I did some...