Hello, I know that Sponaugle Wellness is now closed. For those of you who went, my doctor is thinking about doing something similar to their iv mold protocol. Does anyone have a list of what that iv...
Good Evening, Would any of you know of a good lyme doctor that's available soon in Colorado who rotates antibiotics, perhaps willing to try multiple at one time? Thank you...
Hello all, I have lyme disease, but an associated issue that I would like some feedback on I have an unusual issue where If I take probiotics, omega 3 or fiber. I have small intestinal pain that gets...
If anyone has any doctors that prescribe IV antibiotics could you please email me in my profile. Thank you :)...
I enabled the show email. I would appreciate any locations, ready to travel....
Hello bluelyme, So how does that work? Where are you located? would appreciate any links :) Anyone have any other positive experiences? I have been looking on google cant find much. Thank You...
Hello, I have had lyme disease for over 2 years now, have tried standard antibiotics and the more advanced antibiotics with an LLMD. Have also tried cowden, buhner, etc. Nothing is working well. I am...