Thank you again Garzie! I understand the mechanism more now! 🌸 I see that you have been taking ivermectin. Have you found it helpful?...
Thank you Garzie for your thoughts! I agree that there has become a lot of polarisation about ivermectin, not good at all if that is what is shown in this study! I read that ivermectin had a similar...
I don't know if I am overthinking but I thought about adding ivermectin for treating parasites but don't know what to do after reading the below study about possible cross-resistance to several...
@Garzie Thank you for your detailed description! So much knowledge you have! It feels good to understand it more now, I really appreciate that you took your time to answer 🌸...
@Garzie I thought that it maybe was two different things. 1. That the malariaparasite was feed by supplementing folate and 2. That proguanil worked less if taking folate... But maybe I am only mixing...
Great, thank you! :)...
Thank you, that was really good information that I didn't found myself! I will read the full report you linked! Do you think that folate can be negative when it comes to how proguanil works... I...
@Quin: Can folate be tested in blood to see if it is low? I read your old thread... was it low folate that made you almost anemic? I seem to tolerate malarone (however I don't know how my folate...
I am taking folinic acid and now I got a bit worried about it interacting with malarone. As I have understood proguanil is an antifolat drug and I found this linked study that said that folic acid...
Maybe it is magnesiumthreonate you are thinking about? I have seen it but never knew its benefits. :) Thank you for the information!...
@astroman That was really good to know about citrulline affecting the thyroid! I didn't know that! My thyroid hormones are close to the lower reference so maybe I should be careful with that... Also...
Is anyone taking citrulline? What benefits have you gotten? Is there any negative side effects from it? I have heartpalpitations during herx (and also other heart symptoms) and read a person getting...
Thank you for sharing! Is septra similar to bactrim?...
Thank you! I will read more about this!...
Thank you Garzie for great info! That was new to me and really interesting 👍! What type of fibrin dissolving agents are you taking?...
Yes I agree that it can take time... it is easy to get impatient when feeling worse......
I also seem to get more strong herx from cryptolepis... it really seem to be a strong herb. How long time did the herx on a dose last before you could continue increasing? I have soon been taking...
That sounds like a detox reaction. I experienced similar the first few weeks on it. For me, it was more like a good herx. I would have a flare of symptoms for a few days followed by improvements....
Thank you Garzie that you shared your experience with those herbs! It is some comforting to hear that they are strong herbs because I tend to be frustrated at myself and feel hopeless when only...
Thank you for your thoughts! I find it hard to understand how effective cryptolepis is for bart... some say it hits it hard and some say it hits i less. In this article that isn't too old they said...
I am sorry for all my questions which meds were for bartonella? Do all of them except for alinia treat bartonella?...
That is interesting to hear! What other antimicrobial did you take for Bart when using valproat?...
That's not a bad thing. There is no evidence Valproate does anything to fight these two infections.[/quote] You are right! Do you treat bartonella? If yes, how do you do that?...
I don't know if my reaction is a side effect... I would more feel like it is a bartherx (but how do I know for sure... I don't know)... so I guess I will try crypto + houtt + quassia for some time...
I guess my Dr unfortunately only will listen to what he knows is commonly used against bartonella....
I also get a lot of other symptoms when I feel I am having bartonellaherx. After starting cryptolepis some days ago I am having strong anxiety/panick attacks, burning feet/legs, restlessness,...
@Quinn You wrote: Rifampicin upregulates cytochrome P450 enzymes which destroy cortisol and stress your adrenals. If you're already having bad anxiety, I don't know why you want to risk taking...
Did you only used herbs to treat bartonella and it was successfull? What herbs did you use?...
@Quinn 1. "I've found that bartonella easily resists azithromycin unless I take atovaquone with it. If you can't get atovaquone, then perhaps you could try another efflux pump inhibitor, but...
Yes I have tried TUDCA but for the period I tried it I only tolerated small doses because I got an reaction from it... increase in burning feet/legs and more restless... I couldn't tell if it was...
My llmd accepts 3x the upper limit and mine got above that... I took liver test every week and the second time on pyrazinamide they increased really quick. Did you restart your abx treatment after...
Did you take clindamycin, dapsone, ceftin and mino + Rifampicin all at once? Isn't dapsone also for bartonella?...
I feel alone right now and don't know what to do when it comes to treating bartonella. My llmd lives in another country and because of that it isn't easily booked an appointment. When first starting...
My llmd treats Babesia first for several months , then goes on to Bartonella. While on Bart treatment he also has you take some other antimalarials - he had me take dapsone and Clindamycin when I...
Rifampicin lowers the effect of malarone. How do you treat Babesia while using Rifampicin against Bartonella?...
Thank you for all the answers!...
@Quin thank you for the links. I have to ask about the last link. In that you write "Most of my skin issues were from bartonella. Bartonella is resistant to a lot of antibiotics, and the antibiotics...
@Quin I didn't know that atovaquone had effect on bartonella! That was interesting! Is that something new they have found out? I have gotten bartonella symptoms during herx when increasing malarone...
@MargaritaLyme thank you 🌸....
@Garzie thank you for all your tips! Yes the best would have been if I didn't had to take them at all but I have taken them for 20 years and it would take a long time to slowly tapper them off and...
I will probably start Rifampicin against bartonella + azithro and would like to hear your experiences,,, I am taking mirtazaping and I read that Rifa can decrease the effect of antidepressants. That...
How funny (not funny but you know what I mean :) ) that you mention that you get restless from claritin,,, I also get restless from a lot of antihistamines among others loratadine... and I have...
As for the sensitivity questions, this is actually quite common. As stated, everyone is different, but each of us will often have different sensitivity levels during treatments. Sometimes it's...
@Girlie I am happy to hear that your protocol with less abx works fine! Thank you for sharing! 🌸...
Do your liver enzymes stop increasing at a high level so you can continue the treatment of bart? So interesting that you aren't taking abx continuosly. Do you have herbs you take in between the...
Do you still get high liver enzymes from bart treatment? I have tried glutathione several times but I feel awful when taking it. Restless and anxious unfortunately. I don't know if that is me not...
Do your liver enzymes stop increasing at a high level so you can continue the treatment of bart?...
This started after I increased Houttuynia so I thought it was herx but of course Hard to know for sure. I have however gotten this restlessness as a herxreaction from earlier herbs too so I now I...
When I have herxed a lot my cholesterol use to increase. I believe that is because increase in inflammation in the body that makes the body produce more cholesterol....
I hade to stop abx for bart 2 weeks ago due to high liver enzymes. I have since then increased Houttuynia quite a lot because bartonella flared. When I increased Houttuynia the flare settled but...