- cannot tolerate ANY killing it would be detrimental to my brain I have severe severe reactions and my pain goes up to 20/10 and I end up in the ER needing steroids (steroids was only thing that...
I can't take this anymore i can't. PLEASE HELP ME. I am currently bedridden mainly due to chronic encephalitis/head pain that has been continuous for over a year straight with over 30+ other...
I've had all of these types of head pain that you listed from Bartonella. At times it felt like tiny knives were being ripped out of the veins in my head, it was torture. I have also had...
yes below was my response sarah renier 10:57 AM (6 hours ago) to lyme321 so with the hypercoagulation, you mentioned you had temple pain/head pain? Did anything help or what got rid of the pain for...
thank you, I sent you an email. sorry if its a bit long but there's details that might help you understand how this all started...
is there any way I could talk to you or message? I just think maybe you could help me figure this out and its way to complicated to do over here I mean just to explain my background etc but yeah I...
What is hemolysis from bartonella? can you explain this "If you're getting porphyria, I'm guessing you're getting hemolysis from bartonella? The porphyria comes from precursors to hemoglobin, when...
I am possibly still in mold but low levels, however I do have high mold but I am in so much pain I have severe like porphyria hyper coagulation that make detoxing and any thing causing inflammation...
I cant take curcumin im scared to take nattokwinase or any of the enzymes due to my autoimmune encephalitis I have severe reactions to any kills especially bio film. busters what blood thinning...
does she have head pain like in her temples or like migraines that feel like her veins, vessels and nerves are constricted ? or does she have any thing like I described...
yeah and when I google hyper coagulation pain it is exactly what mine is like "pulled muscle, tightness, soreness, swelling" but I am not sure if like I could take an anti coagulant or vasodilator to...
is @walkingfaith here?...
its not tmj at all I do have some cavities but I had that before this happened...
Hi, So every time I've tried any treatment I very bad reactions with worsened head pain (going on for over a year), where my temples feel extremely sore/bruised, aching, tight constriction in every...
Hi @walkingbyfaith I was wondering if I could message you I feel you may be able to figure out my head pain symptom and I really would like to ask a few questions...
Thank you for your thoughts. I have showed them they dismiss me but I haven’t shown them the bumps now they’ve kind of gone down again but I haven’t done an mri of it or biopsy, not sure if if could...
I haven’t treated mold or marcons...
Antihistamines but not really lorazepam only helps detoxing especially heat hot bath makes it so much worse but I also notice that foods make my head hurt too inflammatory ones...
Also I d had a NONRAL ct mri and spinal tap...
After trying to self treat Lyme, by mixing a few abx and a potent herbal mixture for about two weeks during June, I developed a severe reaction and treatment induced inflammation that’s lasted...
what meds?...
I have Lyme disease/co infections and I am suffering badly from gastroparesis. I’m having horrible fullness with little to eat, severe nausea, stomach pain, constipation/diarrhea, weight loss, little...
@saraeli i did start a new job but i am not sure if ive been exposed to any mold, im on zithro and malarone for babesia in case its that and waiting to get my test for babesia and bartonella i am...
Background - Went to Mexico in beginning of may and came back with rotavirus (headache didn’t start until next month). On June 3rd, had a sudden headache started out of nowhere (not prone to...
how did she treat new daiy persistent headache? my current situation with Lyme...
what herbs did you have? @orbitingaround...
i left some questions below - thans...
feel lie a brick was dropped on my head right now :(...
omg than you. this is helpful i have been so lost trying to figure this out and ive been bedridden for months. What did herbs/treatments you have for Buhner protocol and Byron White Formulas? did you...
matthew, how did you cure your headache?...
yeah sometimes there are painful jolts through nerves in my head and every time i get up in the morning i touch my forehead and there are a few spots that are sore when I massage them sorta deep...
i am waiting to see if its bart or babesia, im not sure what ese the headache is from? my family doesnt have a history of headaches and this started out of nowhere.. but what would the treatment be...
Canary63 do you have a co infection or what caused your headache? they said i have new daiy persistent headache...
@RainyCloud i used lapcorp, but im trying to see if i have a coinfection that is causing the headache ugh so confused bc ive never had a history of a headache...
Is this how anyone would describe their lyme headache? my serum blot results showed igg present for 41, 45, 39, and 66.. however I tested about 2 months after getting the initial headache. My...