Thanks Garzie, I hope you know how many people your posts and replies make a difference to :)...
I take ketotifen and have noticed this in myself. From my experience I was so irritable i didn't want to say more than a few words, or even have the energy to a lot of times. This was frustrating...
just wondering if you guys supplement whichever B vitamin tinidazole supposedly depletes? And does the doctor make this method of action known to the patient?...
Very interested in hearing your results!...
Have been taking IVM on and off for about 2 years now. Its a great medicine to have on hand, not sure how useful it is for lyme and co but some have said it has immune modulating effects which is a...
I like to use Brave if i'm searching anything that might be deemed even a little controversial....
I had two root canals done in February 2024, cone beam scan showed those 2 teeth needing them done. I had wisdom teeth removed 15 years ago. Would cone beam scan show cavitations there if they...
ok, that make sense. So if i'm understanding correctly, the best way to solve my tickborne related MCAS would be to outright solve the tickborne diseases, in my case lyme/bart/rickettsia....
I had a positive experience with oral terbinafine. And doctors could not explain why, This is very interesting.... I was listening to this podcast earlier, and theres a very interesting part where Dave Asprey brings up a way to resolve MCAS. The idea is that you take a...
Has anyone had experience treating MarCons? I tested positive months ago, and have been treating with an intranasal spray of multiple herbs + colloidal silver which is very expensive. I get relief...
I've never really seen anyone mention gou teng before so i wanted to ask if you know of a reason why it would make me feel very energetic, talkative, almost manic feeling? Even at an extremely low...
is psoriasis related to lyme? I got it massively as a child and then it kind of just went away over time.. but initially it was all over me. Every now and then i'll have a little bit but its pretty...
Thank you Quin. So happy to hear that. It started happening after using exercise with oxygen therapy. I only started a few days ago but have been having die off reactions every time. Very excited...
I believe i watched that same documentary, called Root Cause. I watched it around the time i was getting two root canals done. I kind of grilled the dentist when i saw him, asking him everything i...
I had what i think was a strong herxheimer reaction during lyme/bart treatment yesterday. That night my urine kind of smelled like it does after eating asparagus. Today it was kind of in between a...
im not sure about that. Just wondering, how did you diagnose the initial parasite you were trying to get rid of?...
Hey just throwing this out there but is it possible your banderol could’ve been contaminated with a heavy metal like lead? I don’t know how common that is, but chelation could be useful in that case....
I was only on mino for two days, it basically filled my head with suicidal thoughts 24/7. My brain essentially went into delete yourself mode. I kind of want to try it again at some point because I...
Hi I’ve recently bought some liposomal glutathione spray, but even a small amount makes my head feel verrrrry strange. I can’t concentrate and feel a little crazy. I feel anxious and maybe even a...
I’ve been treated for Lyme for 5 years now and bartonella for 6 months. I’m basically freaking out because I don’t know what this is. I am already being treated for Lyme and bartonella with...
How were you able to tell it wasn’t working against Bart but able to tell it was working on borrelia and another infection?...
Immunosuppressive to the point you would repeatedly get covid? That sounds pretty bad. I tried minocycline for a couple weeks a few years ago, it made me almost suicidally depressed. I suspect it was...
How long were you on this combo?...
What treatments for bartonella have you SEEN work? Whether for yourself or someone you know. Very frustrated with this infection....
Thanks! This combo is on Marty Ross’s list of bartonella killing combos. I don’t think I’m ready to try rifampin and I know I can’t do methylene blue because it interferes with meds I’m taking....
Has anyone had success treating bartonella with these three? Also I’ve been having chest pain lately and I read chest wall pain is common in bartonella. I just try to remind myself that it’s not...
I'm having mental psychotic effects from bart and anxiety meds barely touched it for me. My doc wants to start me on tetracycline probably in combo with something else or minocycline[/quote] What...
What was the combination of drugs that make the herx almost send you to the ER? And also what did it feel like that made you think ER?...
Currently I take an anti depressant, anti psychotic and an anti anxiety medication just to fall asleep. I can’t sleep without them. The anti depressant and anti psychotic help me throughout the day...
Bump also wondering. I’m currently on doxy/azithromycin/oil of oregano and not herxing or having Bart noticeably improve....
That sounds way worse than any borrelia herx I’ve had. How long did that last??...
Hi thanks Quin! Can you describe the bartonella herx so I know what to look for?...
Aren’t many antibiotics linked to SJS? Does bactrim have a higher risk?...
My doc wants to start me on bactrim for bartonella before we switch to something stronger like rifampin. I read a bunch of reviews on bactrim the other day and they were 90% terrible, people said...
So I'm just starting the buhner protocol for bartonella. After doing a little bit of research I found out the Quercetin and EGCG he recommends in the core protocol interact with the quetiapine I take...
would anybody be able to PM me the name of a good doctor that will treat Bart based on clinical symptoms? I live in the tri-state area. Any advice would also be appreciated!...
i also had similar issues when i tried it a few years ago. I'm in a better headspace now and was going to try it again, just wondering if anymore information was found out about this. I remember...
fixed! thank you!...
Hey everyone! I'm currently in the process of looking for a new LLMD. Specifically one that believes in treating the common lyme co-infections, using bloodwork and other necessary tools to properly...
Also, I forgot to mention chemical sensitivity issues....
Hey I'm looking for an outstanding LLMD in or near Pennsylvania. I want someone that will really try to cure the illness or get me as well as possible instead of just treating symptoms. Most of my...
Thats very promising to hear! Did you use biofibrin with the monolaurin?...
Thanks for the replies guys! I know my post is huge but if anyone can address some of the other herbals/biofibrin/monolaurin/gou teng or houttuynia that would be really helpful!...
Hey everyone, this is my first post here. After reading some success stories, notably ones by Traveler, I decided I needed to get some feedback from people who really understand and have experience...