Thank you Saraeli! That is really helpful information. I wasn't aware of the lasting damage mold can do, and considering the amount I was exposed since infancy, I'd say I have my work cut out for...
Welcome to the forum! I'm so sorry about your depression, unfortunately most of us with Lyme and Co. are plagued by depression and other psychiatric symptoms. Others have explained the "three Bs,"...
I'm finally starting to wonder if mold toxicity is what is keeping me from getting better. I grew up in a very moldy house from age 1-16, but my symptoms didn't improve at all once I moved (there is...
Thanks everyone! Rainy Cloud sent me the video so I got Dr.MR's answer, so I'll post it here for anyone else with the same question: For herbs only, CBC and CMP (comprehensive metabolic profile)...
Pickleball, like everyone has said, this sounds like a herxheimer reaction. One thing that held me back my first year was that I was not detoxing to recover from herxes. In general, detoxing is often...
I asked on one of Dr. MRs webinars a while back what bloodwork I should have done regularly, and I wrote down his answer. Now I can't find where I wrote it down. Does anyone know what bloodwork I...
Thanks guys! I do put electrolytes in my water bottle which I drink throughout the day...I don't really eat that much salt, but it can't hurt to try since my bp is good. My sodium on a recent blood...
I used to get nighttime leg cramps for years...they went away when I found the right mix of magnesium citrate and gluconate. Lately I've been getting cramps in my neck, tongue, and under my chin....
Thanks Girlie! It looks like rifabutin interacts with fluconazole and metronidazole by making them less effective, so if I kept those I'd have to try something else for bart. Looked up rifabutin too...
Hi all! It's been a while since I've been on here but I need some advice for adjusting my protocol. I started treatment Feb 2023 with: Minocycline, 100mg 3X per WEEK Methylene Blue, 100 mg per day...
That's wonderful Pillin! Thanks for the encouraging post! This is exactly what I was looking for when I first came here, people overcoming Lyme so I would know it's possible!...
Hi Spinal! First of all, welcome to the forum! I'm new to Lyme myself, but the older members on here are extremely valuable sources of knowledge. I was diagnosed with persistent Lyme last February...
I hope it helps! I'm fairly new to doing my own research, the one thing I would say is biofilm busters like xylitol seem to help a lot of people, myself included. Are you working on restoring your...
Hi Wanda! Will be praying for your daughter's recovery!...
Hi Bhava! I believe that it would be individual to the herb what the bacteria does with it. It takes experimenting and research to figure out what works. How long are you taking abx at a time? A lot...
Interesting...I guess I'll have to go learn how biofilms work....
Curiosity question...almost a decade before I found out I had Lyme my family started to use xylitol and stevia as sugar subsitutes, and our use of them really started ramping up about 7 or so years...
Blue urine is normal--also bladder irritation. The solution to the latter is to drink lots of water....
Hi Julian! I don't have any experience with it but could you keep us updated on whether you stay tired or not? I've heard of vitamin c infusions and am curious if they help. I also looked online but...
Garzie, what did your research say about liposomal artemesia? I have taken two brands, and Quicksilver brand was very effective for me while the other was not. Quicksilver is pretty expensive and you...
Hi SavedbyGrace! I don't know how you feel about eggs but they are quite high in iron. That is a lot of supplements, I hope they work well for you!...
Thank you for the link Garzie! That is very encouraging....
Thank you Rainy Cloud! I can't wait!...
Hi all! I just found this forum 10 months after getting re-diagnosed. I had lyme when I was 4 and I guess my symptoms cleared up for a while. I think my joint pain started at around 10 or 11 but I...
Hi WalkingbyFaith! (I love your display name btw!) No, I've never heard of chocolate covered pickles, I was just pretty sure that name wasn't taken. ;) Fried pickles are delicious, though. I just use...
I eat goat kefir (I'm allergic to cow's milk) with berries and it seems to keep the bad bacteria at bay for me. It's not the best and only has 7 strains of bacteria but I can definitely feel a...
Thanks for sharing! This makes a lot of sense....
This is really interesting--I've used xylitol in cooking for years and never heard of it being used to treat lyme! Same with stevia; just a few weeks ago a friend sent me a Dr. Berg video about...
Been taking MB for 10 months now and it's been fine. There are some contraindications but otherwise it's safe. My ND has me taking 100mg daily....
I take methylene blue with artemesia and minocycline. If I take either the methlylene or the artemesia, I don't herx, but when I take them both I can get a pretty strong reaction....