Thanks for the response and helpful considerations Garzie, what you said does make a lot of sense. I'm planning to do a bit more research into the whole PRP thing and will try and post on here what...
The best way I've found to tell if it's just a herx or a flair up is to take some binders and see if they help at all. My logic is if its a flare up, the binders won't kill anything so I won't feel...
Hi all, My Llmd has told me about TruDose Iv platelet therapy and I was wondering if anyone on here had any experience with it? I am not sure whether to try it or not as it is rather expensive $1500,...
Thanks! I appreciate the info, I'm definitely going to look more seriously into the Rheumatic fever at this point. It definitely seems like the "soup" description fits pretty darn well. I did find a...
Thanks! Yeah, me too. It was ruff never knowing what was up. As far as the bad episode goes, I had garlic chicken and pasta the night before, and that morning only had pure protein. On top of that I...
*Update on what I figured out* It's been a a while since I started this post, but I wanted to follow up with some of what I figured out in the hopes that it might help someone else out. The short and...
Thank you all for all the responses, I just got a sleep apnea device today so fingers crossed it helps. I hadn’t realized that Claratin or other anti-histamines had any anti Lyme or Babesia...
saraeli, Thanks for all that information, I didn’t realize how extensive the list of potential triggers was! In that case I’m going to try the Claritin and just see what happens. I think if I can...
After talking to my doctor she said to try Claratin for MCAS. Do any of you have an opinion on if that’s a good one to try? If not I’ll let you know if it helps so maybe someone else reading can...
Quin, That’s good to know, my doctor mentioned I might be low on B12 but I forgot about it with everything that’s going on....
Girlie, Thanks for the response, that makes me feel a lot better to know a herx doesn’t mandate a fever....
WalkingbyFaith, Thanks for the response, I’ve talked to my doctor about it on more than one occasion and she thinks it’s caused purely by my infections. My blood sugar almost never dips below 80 but...
saraeli, Thanks for the response, that does kind of resonate with me, I’ll definitely have to look into it. Do you if there is any real way to tell whether it’s MCAS or herx without testing? I’m glad...
Quin, thanks for the info, I didn’t know herxing could effect blood sugar. That’s interesting what you’re saying about the Cryptolepis because since posting I’ve eaten and drank juice and my blood...
I forgot to mention I started Cryptolepis 4 days ago and resumed NAC a week ago. I took 7drops yesterday morning and 6 in the evening. It’s important for me to know if it’s a herx or flare because I...
Does anyone have herxes without a fever? My blood sugar was 83ml/dl and I was shaking uncontrollably but I didn’t have a fever. I stayed that way for 4 hours until I decided to quit testing, eat and...