Has anyone tried or is curious about these peptides? Starting peptide therapy is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. For the last four years, peptide therapy has played a large role in my...
The following is my first-hand experience with peptide therapy which is in no way medical advice. I strongly urge anyone who’s curious about peptide therapy to seek treatment from a qualified medical...
Thank you! I’ll check them out. It’s funny, before my last functional doc, I was seeing a chiropractor/naturopath/healer and he diagnosed using similar methods. The craziest thing was that he was...
Thank you for sharing all this with me. Very informative! My symptoms include heart pain, weird bp readings, low BPM, extremely high BP without medication, fatigue and nausea. I take Ziac which is a...
A PACEMAKER?!? Holy cow that’s scary. People will never heal if the only goal is to treat symptoms. It’s incredibly disheartening and frustrating to go through the conventional medical system. It’s...
Thank you for sharing that. I’ll be looking into it....
YESSSS!!! Everything you said, just YES! My mind was blown when the cardiologist I saw mentioned Lyme carditis being a thing. You’re right…arrogance is an issue and God complexes are very real. The...
Hi Garzie! Ty for your response and sorry for the late response…I forgot to check the email notification box. :) I think you nailed it. It’s incredibly difficult to find a good dr and frankly...
Thank you for your response and my apologies for the late reply…I forgot to check the “email responses” box. I’m new. :) Yes! I’m on week two of a BPC-157, KPV and immune peptide A2 and I’m already...
I just saw a cardiologist and I was told that my symptoms don’t make sense. This has been such a common theme with my care from conventional medicine doctors over the last 20 years that all I can do...
Hi Garzie. I’m currently taking Monolaurin-Avail by Designs for Health. I was interested in it because I frequently get candida in my gut and couldn’t bring myself to take more antibiotics. Of...
Thank you! This message is very reassuring. I was terrified that I’d be set back to my starting point. And yes! Those little guys are awful. I’ve never seen a tick that small before. A new fear has...
Hi Girlie and thank you for your welcome and response. Will do!...
Has anyone here been bitten by a nymph tick while in treatment? If so, what did you do? I seriously can't believe this happened. I was so careful. A couple of days ago, I was in my backyard working...
Hello. Good question. I'm living this as we speak. I believe I contracted Lyme in childhood, but my body suppressed it until I sustained two severe TBIs about 20 years ago. Both were undiagnosed and...