Maybe a spect scan. I had one of those early in my treatment. It was ordered by my LLMD. A couple years ago a neurologist ordered a mri. I am not knowledgeable enough to know if one is better than...
I know of 2 checklists. This one might have a score but I have never taken it...
Could it be yeast die-off? I am impressed you got that prescribed. I had candida glabrata which is azole resistant and no one wanted to prescribe it to me....
It is great he is so open minded. For mine any suggestion or question about a possible new drug/therapy would never be considered....
It has been a while since I was in hardcore treatment but my memory was that I always had Tindamax of flagyl on board to handle the cyst form. However my older son who is currently being treated does...
I find it odd that they are letting you pick your treatment option. It doesn't seem like you should be stuck with researching this One is pulsed and the other is not? I have been exposed to 3 llmd's...
Did your LLMD prescribe the steroids or did another doctor?...
Have you had your ammonia levels checked? A couple times when I would complain about "brain problems", Dr. J would check my ammonia levels. Treatment was with L-ornithine-l-aspartate (LOLA)...
My son had terrible acne in high school. The dermatologist kept throwing every possible topical at it and none of them worked. He finally asked for accutane. They reluctantly gave it to him. After...
Has anyone tried this home-made recipe? If so does it work as well as alka seltzer gold?...
There is a bacteria (Oxalobacter formigenes )in the stomach that helps break oxalate down. It could be because we have killed it all off with abx. Unfortunately they haven't been able to make it so...
Look up oxalates. I found references for foamy urine - not sure if that is what your bubbles are. Definitely blood in urine. A lot of people will think they have a UTI based on symptoms and it is...
I assume this means you are seeing Rachel now. She has brought on a functional med doctor as her overseeing physician. Is he automatically part of your treatment plan or do you have to see him...
Nope. It is the best kept secret in DC....
He is back. I will go to see him in a couple of weeks. All the practitioners left so it is just him. I am not sure if he is taking new patients yet. At the time I made the appt, he was only taking...
Did your doctor give you these drugs and protocols? I am not criticizing - just wondering if he gave you these and you discovered you herx'd on them....
Just curious - is there literature on this? I have been on a lyrica/lamotrogine combo for years. To help with sleep and my many pain issues. Make sure you are not getting a drug side effect. It is a...
What is everyone's definition of remission? And how are you determining you are in it?...
The ncca thing is interesting. Were you diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome or did you just treat it?...
I went to my chiro and asked him. He was very against it. A hard no. Why would I put a neurotoxin in my body? I am shutting down my nerves and wouldn't feel if I was injuring anything etc. For...
Has anyone had botox injections for muscle pain? I have tried everything for the knots in my neck/traps and shoulders. Alternative treatment helps for a couple days and then it is back. Some places...
FWIW I tried the Fitbit and discovered that I could not sleep with something on my wrist. Therefore I doubt I could sleep with anything attached to me. Something to think about before you spend money...
While this wont help you with the spreadsheet the TLO group has a YouTube channel. If you are interested in the oxalate topic. Thankfully there is a "show transcript" button so it doesn't take so...
If you are on Facebook there is the Trying Low Oxalate group and then under that a spreadsheet group. I just downloaded the PDF version of the spreadsheet and it is 300 pages long. So they have a lot...
He is back. There is a link on his website which takes you to a Facebook post. He looks and sounds great
I wonder if he is the MD Rachel found to open a new clinic....
Such great and amazing news!...
That has been the best kept secret....
From Facebook Carry Hodges went to Alabama. Carrye's MedRenew Clinic opens next week. You may email her at the above address for appointments. Her phone extension goes...
This company is great. I was getting my MB and Ivermectin from them. A rx from DR. J. So now I cant get it. Their price is great. I found one source of pure stuff and it was really expensive. I went...
The Oreo diet! She might not fit the profile for this but I do.
What does it do for your? What difference does it make? I have taken probiotics for years and have no idea if anything is working. Its has been a while since I used vsl. Maybe I will try it again....
What I think is weird is that his website has no indication that he is closed. Or at least I couldn't find it....
In DC I am fairly certain a NP can have their own practice. Ginger Savely is an example of this....
The whole thing is weird. They shut the clinic down for 2 days in October for a covid breakout within the staff. I saw him right after that and he said "you can imagine I was not happy I had to close...
Keep us posted. I have considered doing this now that I am off abx....
I echo the comments about staying away from meds. My LLMD prescribed me a few anti-anxiety drugs for my insomnia. Benzo's and lamotrogine. I highly urge you to consider something else before using...
What are those plants?...
I am bothered by Dr MR's dosing. Typically MB dose is based on your body weight. He doesn't take that into account. Or maybe it is somehow there and I missed it. My LLMD uses a low dose and a high...
How is it going with the rifabutin?...
What do they say about your worsening symptoms to rifabutin? A herx? How about the neutropenia? I have never been able to solve that issue. He has a youtube channel that has some great videos which...
I say that because he is "done" with me. However many years ago I was not getting better after being through IV and all his protocols. It took a very slightly inflamed liver to get him to treat babs...
Yes, Dr, J in DC...
I have the same view as Garzie. I stopped abx a year ago so stopped the probiotics. I wasn't sure I still needed them so why waste money plus they really don't repopulate the gut as it needs....
Regarding bioflim. You need to make sure your protocol has abx on board after you stop with the biofilm buster. You dont want to bust it up and have nothing to kill whatever is released. I think...
This may have already been posted - I didnt have a chance to look. Dr. Jemsek was interviewed by a compounding center about MB.
Many years ago I had a sudden deafness in one ear Does this sound like her? I went to the ENT who wanted me on steroids. Apparently there was a 10 day...
I just went through something similar. I went to chiropractor and he dry needled the muscles. It was still painful that night but the next day it was so much better....
My headaches started when I took MB and stopped when I discontinued it. I am not on any abx so it was clearly linked to MB...
How much MB are you taking? After ramping up to 30 mg I felt amazing when I took it (2 weeks on 2 off). Because of success I was to take it daily (5 days on 2 days off all the time). After doing that...