Thanks for the responses. Saraeli, I’m going to call and ask if I can do the upright/standing mri not sure if that’s the one they ordered or the lying down one. I do have symptoms of chronic fatigue...
Hi everyone I finally saw the neurologist he has ordered mri of my head/brain and neck/spine and an echo. I’m anxious but want to get that out of the way. What else should he have ordered ? I...
Would it be good for an autoimmune disorder like sjorgrens? Or for swollen lymph nodes?...
Thanks everyone I’ll have to go through all my meds and narrow it down to what will be necessary. Im just hoping the fatigue won’t be so bad since I have yet to find anything to help. As of right now...
Hi everyone I had started back on treatment, specifically the desbio Bart vials. I am on vial 4. Less symptoms than the Borrelia vials. New symptoms are headache especially behind my eyeballs like...
Keep us posted I might try it once I’m done with my current treatment. Is tinidazole an antibiotic?...
Hi Quin, can you give me more info on why it’s a bad idea? I haven’t heard much of overstimulating the immune system I thought that’s what we wanted in order to help fight the infections? I do have...
Hey everyone quick update. I started the bartonella desbio treatment a few days ago. I took a break for a few weeks but I needed to get back into treatment. First vial in and my right arm starting...
For the past 2 months I’ve had right flank discomfort/pain I was using castor oil packs and heating pad and it goes away and comes back. My pcp gave me uti antibiotics in case it’s a uti in kidney....
I’m curious if anyone has tried it since im on some fb groups they do bring it up often as well as fenbendazole to help with Lyme and coinfections....
Seems like it could be helpful. As the host would you share tips for those living with Lyme/coinf ? I do struggle with the diet/nutrition part....
No update because I was called by the neurologist office to reschedule due to dr being on call at the hospital all week. I’ve waited 3 months!! But apparently that’s not long enough for them. It’s so...
Thank you all for the insight. I guess I’m hoping he will run all the exams and scans to rule out everything else and I can say okay it is just the Lyme and continue focusing on treating it...
I woke up today and ran some errands and didn’t have joint pain nor brain fog and I thought wow this feels nice. I’ll have to get back on it but been putting off the bartonella kit since I’m kinda...
I decided to take a small break from my treatment since I was planning on taking a small trip and didn’t want to be feeling extra bad with herx. I postponed starting my desbio bartonella vials as...
After waiting over 3 months!! I finally have my neurologist apt next week. For those who have followed my posts my main issue is tingly/numb sensations. I’ve been on a protocol with my naturalpath...
Thank you for your response and yes I’m guessing it’s nosodes I’ve been taking the desbio kits. They are strong.. I did herx pretty badly in the beginning of the borrelia vials and I have postponed...
Someone in my previous post stated I should get actual lab testing since my naturalpath only does bioscan and muscle testing and that’s how I was diagnosed for Lyme and was given protocols for it....
Thank you I will check those links out! I guess it’s overwhelming for that reason as well there’s so many things people are trying or doing and I ask myself if I’m doing enough. When it comes to my...
Hi I’m wondering if anyone has treated their gerd/gastritis naturally? With herbs? I have been on omeprazole for a long time and finally got off a year ago once I went natural. But when I have flare...
I forgot to respond to this thread but that’s still one of my symptoms the air hunger or shortness of breath. At this point it’s an everyday feeling. I’m hoping once I start the bartonella kit it...
I would need to have a tele/virtual llmd since where I live there’s none and closest would be about 4 hours away. I also don’t have the funds for that unfortunately. My naturalpath although the visit...
I took omeprazole this morning and although it’s too early to tell I think it calmed the chest inflammation feeling and the stomach burning down a bit. I still have pain but I’ll be able to tell...
Thank you I do appreciate the response my question is how to even get started on antibiotics? Drs don’t give that long of a course and that’s if I even managed to have my primary dr prescribe it. My...
I’ll be trying elderberry and I think I’ll start back on omeprazole as well in case it’s my gerd. When I first started on the vials I had to get back on the omeprazole since it really messed with my...
I am in a relationship and have noticed I am so impatient/frustrated/annoyed these days. I don’t think it’s him it might be the Lyme. I also just want him to leave me alone most of the time since I...
Noticed the past days a bit of a sore throat coming and going as well as watery eyes but didn’t think much of it assumed it was allergies. But today I woke up with chest inflammation and I feel some...
Thanks for the replies and saraeli you have responded on all my posts I appreciate all the help and information. I’m very new to my diagnosis and it’s very scary. I mentioned in other post that I was...
Garzie since you mentioned bartonella I went to my naturalpath dr yesterday and explained my new symptoms of twitching and tingly in different areas and she rescanned me and bartonella popped up. She...
It’s a bit scary anyone who can help. I’m on desbio treatment I finished the last which is the 10th vial. Been having left side numb/tingly feeling on part of my lip and throat possibly. It just...
For those familiar I am on the desbio treatment. I’ve noticed a new symptom maybe I already had it and hadn’t paid much attention but I’ll get a feeling of shortness of breath like I need to take...
Thank you for that advice I’m pretty new to herbs and supplements. I didn’t add anything else in but what’s good to detox? I already take probiotics in Am and Pm and I take 4 capsules of...
I’ve been having this recently but only on my left leg which is my problem side. It’s mostly behind my calf area it comes and goes as well. Were you having tinglyness or numbness in that area?...
I did have a sore throat one day but it went away I don’t feel sick just have the regular herx symptoms from the treatment. I’m on vial 7 but not sure if I should start taking something for the lymph...
I’m on desbio treatment 6/7th vial and a few days ago I started noticing a tender area on my left side of my neck. I think it might be a swollen lymph node but not sure. I’ve been applying castor...
Which peptides?...
Hi just wanted to say I am currently on the desbio vials the boba::ssr I didn’t do a detox beforehand and I was given the treatment by my naturalpath. She put me on the vials, boba:plus tincture,...
I have an apt with an orthopedic soon to check my back for any back or disc issues. I’ve always had a bit of back issues but never had any symptoms like I have now. My tingly/numb started randomly a...
I woke up this morning with my left hand numb and was wondering where everyone is getting the numbness or tingling sensation? The reason I went to go get checked in the first place with a nautralpath...
I have stopped the lemon water and replaced it with just some herbal tea as well as taking omeprazole and so far stomach is doing okay. And I haven’t had those specific vitamin d checked but I do...
I’m thinking the stool color is due to the supplements I may be taking it was clay colored and then dark green and now it’s a light brown color. I am drinking lemon water and chlorophyll in the...
Is anyone taking additional herbs or supplements for stomach issues as well? I have gastritis and gerd and my treatment has brought it out full force and my go to pepto and antacids aren’t helping...
Thanks that’s all been so helpful I went grocery shopping and bought a lot of veggies and some berries and chicken I’m going to try to do low sugar this week to see if it helps. Especially since I’ve...
I’ve read many people avoiding fruit is it because the natural sugars is still triggering? Even berrys? I’ve been eating lots of fruit these past days due to stomach issues but maybe I should stop?...
I am taking full dose my naturalpath didn’t really tell me how strong it was gonna be. The vials are on every 3rd day. And I’m due for the 3rd today but I feel so out of it like slow and I have...
I’m new to it all barely on day 5 of my desbio treatment. Today I had stomach issues not very hungry and feeling fatigue.. not sure what to be eating. From what I read it says mostly whole and...
That’s good to know but do you take anything for the weak feeling? Like I’m taking electrolytes but it’s not doing much. Not sure what else is supposed to help with the detox symptoms in the...
Yes the back pain was bad but it calmed down. Are we able to take pain medicine while on treatment? Today I woke up with stomach issues and nausea. And feeling lightheaded. My question is I plan to...
Been feeling bad for a few months and went to a naturopath she uses desbio products. She uses ZYTO machine if anyone is familiar with it. It did come up with a few viruses but the top one was...