I've been for 20 days on doxycycline and while there was no noticeable improvement, the good news is my neurologist told me that previously present clonus and hyperreflexia are no longers detected so...
When it comes to horsefly I was surprised that the doctor I visited had a lot of patients who came down with lyme/or sth else after getting bitten - that's why he took me seriously. So maybe it's...
Hello, thanks for the feedback I wonder if these calcifications could be seen on ultrasound. I'm glad that they can heal eventually. I didn't see a tick on me, although I got bitten by a horsefly 2...
I honestly feel like I'm going crazy with joint issues. I don't have joint pain or swelling but they all crack. Curiously enough, each joint becomes problematic only after I get a minor strain/injury...