GMA, thanks for the note on oatmeal. I love oatmeal but Quaker's causes a worse reaction than a pizza would! Diane, send your son to a natural foods store or even have him check the local grocery....
I'm was the first in my family to be diagnosed. Thus far, none of my children have been confirmed to have it. However, in the 12 years since my diagnosis, I've had several cousins who've been...
H, The IBS symptoms are still here once in a while, but they are now considered part of the celiac diagnosis. The anemia corrected after several months of taking iron replacement. I still get a CBC...
GMA- I didn't have overt symptoms as a child, but in hindsight, my teeth do have some enamel issues, there's some bowing of my leg bones.... both likely due to issues from celiac as a child....
Mine was (re)triggered as an adult after I had a hysterectomy. Good luck with your endo!...
You might want to check out this: ...
Sounds like there *might* be a connection. I subscribe to the only truly accurate diagnosis method right now is having endoscopy and small bowel biopsy. The blood test on me comes back negative and I...
I'm sorry to hear that you're having so much pain. I'm not sure why it would take so long to get results of a colonoscopy, I'm guessing biopsies, since the physician can give immediate results to the...
I get so frustrated when I hear healthcare professionals say they don't want to do a test if the (shown to not always be reliable) blood test is negative. My blood test is negative. Has been on the...
I found this info.'s_sign ...
Swallowing issues were my primary presenting symptom many years ago. Only I can choke on saliva alone without having food added! I find small bites, trying not to have dry foods are helpful to me. My...
Heather, my spinal tap came back clear and I'm sort of in your boat. I've had 2 neurologists say no it's not MS and 2 neurologists and a handful of other specialties (Urinary, Ortho) tell me it is....
My sister was a manager at Subway. She'd consistently told me she did NOT have celiac, despite me seeing symptoms in her. After working at Subway for a couple of months, she had rheumatoid arthritis...
The only true diagnosis can be made with a small bowel biopsy to test the villi in your small bowel. I was diagnosed after several years of anemia and IBS diagnosis. Diagnosed by biopsy. Later, as a...
Betty Hagman has some really good GF cookbooks. She also has her own flour blends so you might want to check those out. Gluten-Free Pantry has some sandwich bread mixes, sourdough mixes, etc that...
Try not to panic about the diet. You can eat meat. You can eat vegetables. You can eat rice and potatoes. You can eat eggs. I find breakfast the most challenging meal of the day. I've been diagnosed...
I have to have these tests done but can't get in until the end of July. Can someone who has had them explain them to me? When I scheduled the appt I was told I had to come on 2 different days and...
How'd you make out Jenn??...
Steph, I "leak" :) The urologist I've been seeing put me on Detrol and that has helped. He tells me my bladder muscles are being affected by MS and are spasming (but I dont feel it). Urine leaks out...
Gretchen shared: MS is not usually on again off again. and MS symptoms don't typically come and go. I'm confused because everything I've read and a lot of what I've experienced is a lot of MS *DO*...
Amy, I'm no physician, but my symptoms presented as difficulty swallowing, vision changes on the right, facial numbness on the right, big time vertigo (which I hate!), urinary leaking w/o me always...
In the summer of 2005, I began getting hives. Horrid huge welts that HURT. Medical community response is, "One of life's little mysteries." I've had allergy testing and it was all negative. From...
Thank you for your responses. Yes, Gretchen, NOW the neuro has ordered VEPs, BAERs. I think this woman is going to be my neuro that at least has listened and is not looking at me as if I've lost my...
I miss feeling confident that there's nothing I can't do. This has shown me that each day there seems to be something I can no longer do or do well. I'm a therapist (mental health & addiction)...
Over the last 2 years, I've seen 5 neurologists, including one who is specifically an MS neurologist. She said, "You do not have MS." I cried. In the year since I saw her, I've had a repeat MRI with...