kllhlms@gmail.com, i cant stand this forum, its too confusing right now for my feeble mind,...
thx so much i am in and out of my mind in pain n lets try yo stay in touch im so disgusted n depressed havea good one best u can kel i dont understand this forum but im trying...
thank you so much just for a response, neurologist thinks its ms, i dont care what i have i just want to get some answers so i can try and get better, i have been in so much pain last 2 days i could...
Kllhlms@gmail I am probably not suppose to do this but not like this sitw...
i am so sorry you have to work, i worked myself out, had to quit my job, long story, i met my husband at work and he is in management, i was missing a lot of work and everybody was giving both of us...
We need to talk other than here w/o everybody getting our info I too got my ab left in me had to put me bak in labor n blood transfusion this is a trip I haven't been right since 92 really looking...
unreal, time for a new forum...
have you had any test like mri or spinal tap ? i have not had an mri of the brain in years, i told my doc last month i was having this severe pain, esp. in my neck and back, and asked him to do an...
i dont think i am doing this right but i forgot another scary thing, i have lost control of my bowels on many occasions, hence, ibs, but i have bouts of constipation that are severe. i have had to go...
i am going crazy, i need someone to talk to, found this forum-i have been sick for years, the first thing i can remember was my feet hurting, by the end of the day i could not walk, my feet were...
i know exactly how you feel i have been sick as far back as i can remember, 2003-i have had "flares" of something, some severe (bedridden) im 44 and i have been tested for everything under the sun,...
i am going thru the same thing, rheumy ruled out everything else and now my gp wants me to see a neurologist, i have been sick for years with no answers, close to 10 years really, many of those years...