I was vaccinated as a kid for all the usual stuff. Have never been vaccinated for anything since....
I was diagnosed with MS in 2003. Before then I had just transferred to the VA Medical Center blind rehab center in Tucson, AZ from Palo Alto, CA. Here, in Tucson, we had just started cross training...
Our brain is normally totally black. Mine looks like lightening is striking throughout. If you see a neurologist he/she will also give you a spinal tap to confirm MS....
Would have helped if I had re-read the post before submitting. ll I was diagnosed with MS back in 2003. I probably had it since 1998. Back in 1998 I was having trouble walking and had to use a...
I was diagnosed with MS back in 2003. Prior to that I had gong to see an optometrist who, after giving me new glasses, referred me to a neurologist. Later, I found out that optometrists can see MS on...